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Background Music for Banks and Financial Institutions

Published on | 11 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Background Music for Banks and Financial Institutions

Despite the crises that banking institutions have been subjected to, the reality is that today everyone depends on them to manage their money, make or receive payments, and have control of their finances.

In fact, these types of financial institutions also offer various products such as pension plans, investment funds, mortgages or loans, with the aim of providing their customers with the money they need for their expenses in exchange for a small percentage.

musica para sucursales bancariasIn order to convince them that what they need are your bank's products, you must establish the atmosphere of tranquillity and confidence necessary to carry it out successfully.

And in this regard, there is a fundamental factor that cannot be missing from your branch: music.

But don't be fooled.

Finding the music that will help you create that warm and safe atmosphere in your customers is not an easy task.

  • If the background sound doesn't match what you want to transmit and there are incoherences with your brand, customers will perceive it subconsciously and they will choose to continue searching for the best bank for them.
  • Similarly, when selecting music, you will need to take copyright into account. Playing famous music from artists with a certain reputation from YouTube, Spotify or any CD illegally can result in financial penalties from Copyright Societies like the PROs.

But don't worry.

We've created this article thinking about you and the background music your bank needs.

Along the following lines we will show you:

  • What are the music genres that work best in the branches?
  • The keys to getting the most out of that soundtrack
  • The most economical platforms to use music legally

Background music for bank branches, do I really need it?

This is a question that has been asked by several clients.

Unfortunately, they are used to the uncomfortable silence that exists in traditional banks. musica para bancos

The sound environment you hear in these branches is the phone calls, the keyboard of the workers or the coughs and sneezes of the clients in the queue.

As you can see, these are sounds more like those of a hospital or an office than a bank, and they do not encourage comfort or confidence.

You must bear in mind that, from the moment the customer sets foot inside the branch, all his senses must be under your control.

The smell they breathe is important, as is the decoration and, of course, the sound aspect.

This last factor is so important that marketing experts call it ” Sensorial Marketing”, which according to several studies says that

35% of customers spend more time in places where pleasant music is played.

This can lead to increased sales of financial products at your bank.

Think about it for a moment:

if the music makes people spend more time in your branch and they are subconsciously more comfortable and secure, this will create a favourable atmosphere for a possible sale.

Now that you know why you really need background music in your bank, we're going to show you which genres work best to create the atmosphere you're looking for.

There has been a trend in all types of physical businesses to play music directly from YouTube, Spotify and other free Internet platforms.

Even from CDs or pen drives with downloaded music.

Any way you could put music on the premises. copyright-musica-libre-derechos-autor-

However, this is an illegal way to play music.

That's because, if you do so, you'll be violating the copyright law for every single song you play.

In case you didn't know, copyright is the right that authors and/or record companies have to use their music exclusively.

Ascap-BMI-SesacThe vast majority of songs you know are copyrighted and, in order to use them in your business, you will need to ask permission from the record companies or, alternatively, from the songwriters' societies such as the PROs.

PROs stands for ‘Performance Rights Organizations‘. This organism is in charge of defending and managing the intellectual property rights of artists in each country:

Therefore, in order to use famous music, you will first need to contact them and then pay certain fees that allow you to exploit the musical work according to your case of use.

These fees are usually quite expensive financially speaking and, in most cases, it is not worth assuming.

What if I use copyrighted music without paying?

This is the worst decision you can make.

The PROs regularly perform inspections to look for people who take the risk of using music illegally. If you are caught using copyrighted music without paying for permission, you are more than likely to be penalized by having to pay expensive fines and, in the worst case, you may be held legally and criminally liable.

Fortunately, paying copyright societies is not the only way to use legal music in your bank.

On the Internet, there are several alternatives that will allow you to sound your bank in an economic and legal way.

The best music platforms for banking institutions

Knowing the dangers of using music illegally and the economic disadvantages of doing so legally through the PROs, we will now present the two best services to play background music in your bank as you really want.


Soundtrack Your Brand

Soundtrack Your Brand is one of the best and most prestigious platforms in the world of business streaming music.

It has been mistakenly known as ‘Spotify for Business' mainly because its two founders are former Spotify employees and the giant Swedish company is one of its major shareholders. musica instrumental para bancos

This is something that not every company in the industry can boast about and it will certainly give you peace of mind that you will never get any copyright claims.

Isn't that great?

In addition, other services available within the subscription are:

  • Remote control of all the music playing in your bank
  • You can manage everything through any device (smartphone, tablet or laptop)
  • It will allow you to program the music for different days of the week and times of the day
  • You can play the soundtracks in as many branches as you want
  • Over 300 soundtracks with songs selected by experts
  • Possibility to create new soundtracks by mixing several stations
  • Available for various operating systems, including iOS, Android and Windows
  • Offline mode to keep the music going even if you don't have Internet access

How much does a SoundTrack Your Brand subscription cost?

The fixed price of this service is $34.99 per month for the USA and Canada, a much lower amount than the exaggerated PROs fees.

And no worries of any kind: you pay, you plan your music and you forget about having problems.

However, if your bank branch is located in another country, you can find out the price of their services here.

At Soundtrack Your Brand they are sure to offer you the best service possible and to make you aware of this, they are giving away 30 days totally free to their new clients so you can see if it is what you are looking for.

You won't have to pay a penny for a whole month and you'll have 100% of the platform at your service.

Have you ever seen a better guarantee?

You can enjoy it free of charge and you only buy the service if you are really convinced.

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in this platform, you should know that, although Soundtrack Your Brand usually offers all the necessary rights on the music tracks, in some countries such as Australia, United Kingdom and Spain, it is necessary to acquire the public performance license through the record labels, music publishers, and/or local collection societies in order to use Soundtrack Your Brand legally.

Cloud Cover Musiccloud-cover-music-licensing-logo

Cloud Cover Music is an American company that offers a service of streaming radio stations.

It is currently one of the leading platforms in North America when it comes to playing business background music.

In practice, Cloud Cover Music is very similar to the previous platform when it comes to offering music from famous artists.

However, they do so through a radio system with over 120 streaming stations.

Through its ‘Music Plan' license, whose monthly cost is $16.16/month, you can:

  • Schedule music by the hour and day of the week
  • Combine any of the stations to make your own mixes
  • Easily delete the songs you like the least

However, not everything is an advantage with Cloud Cover Music.

This platform is only available to users in the United States and Canada, so if your bank does not belong to these countries, you will not be able to purchase their services.

If this is not your case and your bank is located in North American territory, then we have good news.

Cloud Cover thas a promotion for new customers that will not leave you indifferent: a 14-day free trial so you can enjoy the service in full. musica ambiental para bancos

You will be able to try it out at no cost for two weeks to make sure it is the service you were looking for.

Background music for banks: the 3 keys to using it correctly

After clearing up several of the doubts you had when putting on background music for your bank branch, the time has come to discover the keys that will make it easier for you to use it in the best possible way.

Key #1. Make your client happy from the beginning

musica de fondo para bancosFor a long time now, people have tended to have a negative opinion of banks, something you notice in customers from the moment they arrive at the branch.

The user experience begins when you open the door of your bank and that experience should be pleasant and welcoming.

You will need to break the first mental barrier of your customer at the beginning.

Otherwise, he will be suspicious and defensive about any proposal made to him.

In this regard, music will be your greatest ally when it comes to keeping your customers under control.

Choose music that tends to relax and feel good, in which they can lower their state of excitement to be more open to your proposals.

Key #2. Silence? No, thanks

As we said at the beginning, if there is something that is annoying, it is being silent with day-to-day sounds in the background such as keyboards, calls, phones, coughs, papers, etc.musica de fondo para sucursales bancarias

Maybe it has gone completely unnoticed by you but, if there is music in the background, we subconsciously put the focus on it, leaving those annoying sounds in the background.

To achieve this effect successfully, we recommend keeping the music in the background but increasing the volume slightly.

This will avoid uncomfortable background noise while keeping your customers calm and entertained.

Key #3. In line with your message

Each bank is different from the others in several aspects, but above all, in its personality.

The background music must be able to reflect that personality in an unmistakable way.

Therefore, if you are a bank for young people, use music for young people.

If you're a bank for a more businesslike audience, use corporate music.

The most important thing is to maintain coherence between your brand, your message and your bank's music.


As you have seen throughout the article, music is a fundamental aspect of establishing a favorable state of mind for your customers to trust you at the bank.

It will be the tool that will subconsciously increase their trust in your entity, something that will undoubtedly bring with it what every business seeks: more sales.

Of course, you've seen what can happen to you if you play music from sites like YouTube. You'll be risking an inspection by the PROs where you'll have to pay huge fines for copyright infringement.

Luckily, you now know about much cheaper and equally legal alternatives: Soundtrack Your Brand and Cloud Cover Music.

Both services will make it much easier for you to soundproof your banking institution.

They will allow you to use famous music from well-known artists with the peace of mind that you are not violating the copyright of the songs.

In addition, you will be able to have everything under remote control, from your laptop, tablet or smartphone, without having to be in the branch.

Just connect to your app, program the music the way you really want it and don't worry about anything.

We remind you that they are offering trial periods for new customers of 30 days, in the case of Soundtrack Your Brand and SoundSuit, and 14 days for users who choose Cloud Cover Music.

But don't forget one important fact: Cloud Cover Music is only available to the North American public -the United States and Canada-, so if your bank does not belong to either of these two countries, you will not be able to use their services.

That said, and given the characteristics of both platforms, now it's up to you which one of the two you choose to start that free trial and sound like you were looking for your bank.

Rotate your phone or swipe in order to view properly this table.

SOUNDTRACK YOUR BRANDFamous and well-known songs$34.99/month per establishment
CLOUD COVER MUSICFamous and well-known songsFrom $16.16/month per establishment

We recommend you visit our related articles on how to choose music for business, music for museums or music for restaurants.