No monthly payments. Pay once, get the music for life!
Music for the Internet

Background Music for Travel Videos

Published on | 12 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Background Music for Travel Videos

People don't want to stop traveling.

It's a fact, and that's what the data shows year after year.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2019 there were 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals worldwide, 6% over the previous year.

But, besides traveling, what people like is to share their trips on social media.

Apps like Instagram, Facebook or YouTube are full of audiovisual content with tourist monuments, paradise beaches and places with dreamlike views.

Here's an example:

Because of this eagerness to share the photos and videos of our trips and enjoy the content that others have posted, the phenomenon of travel videos like the one you just saw has increased. canciones para videos de viajes

These are clips in which photos are combined with videos already recorded during one or more of the trips made with the aim of making a video collage as a memento.

This does not seem to be a very complicated task.

All you have to do is choose the best photos and videos and add some original effects to make them dynamic and entertaining.

However, there is a differential element that will make your video be remembered forever or easily forgotten: the music.

A travel video with the perfect music is a piece that stays in your mind as well as in your heart.

What is the music that best fits my travel video?

The answer to this question is quite personal, as is the approach to the video and its further editing.

It is recommended that the music should communicate relaxation, comfort and, above all, emotions.

Another important thing when choosing the perfect music for your video is that it should be in line with what you want to transmit.

For example, if you want to make a video of your trip to Marrakech, it is recommended that the music has an Arabic component. The idea would be that when someone hears the audio of the video, they would be transported to Morocco without having to watch the video.

In the same way, if the video is going to cover different locations, the music should also be adapted to those places. For example, if you've been to Brazil and Argentina, it would not sound bad to hear samba and bossa nova for the first one, and tango and samba for the second one.

However, no matter what your video is about, there are music tracks that will always fit.

The key is to be clear about the approach you want to take to the video: more emotional, more romantic, more adventurous, etc.

Can I use any song for my video?

The question here is whether your video will be for private or public use.

That is, if you are going to have the video for yourself and show it to family and friends at a private meeting or by sending it through Whatsapp, it is not a problem to use the song you want. musica para videos de viajes descargar

However, if your idea is to share it on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, you can't use just any song.

You must make sure that the music track in question is not copyrighted. Otherwise, you could get into trouble.

When it comes to choosing the music for a travel video, the first songs that come to mind are all those you can hear on the radio, TV or on Spotify.

copyright-musica-libre-derechos-autor-But keep in mind that virtually every famous song you hear on the radio, TV or on Spotify is copyrighted.

Copyright is the exclusive right of an author, publisher or record company to use a piece of music.

In other words, the only people who can use the songs are the owners of their rights.

musica para editar videos de viajesThe reason you listen to the songs on the radio or Spotify is because they have already acquired the rights to the music from the record companies that own the rights.

And this, of course, is not free.

To get permission to use these songs in your video you'll need to contact the record companies and ask for their approval.

They will almost certainly give it to you for a very high price, which is usually not worth paying.

What if I use copyrighted music without paying for it?

This is, without a doubt, the worst possible decision.

In most cases, record companies and collecting societies -like the PROs in the EE.UU- are not at all flexible when it comes to penalizing people who have used protected music without their permission.

So if you use copyrighted music in your travel video and upload it to a social platform, two things are likely to happen:

  • That the sites in question – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc. – will silence your video or even ban your account. Those responsible for the rights will ask you for huge compensation, reaching in some cases, legal and criminal responsibilities.

As you can see, a high price to pay for using a well-known song in your video. musica para hacer videos de viajesLuckily, this kind of situation can be avoided.

On the Internet there are several alternatives that offer royalty-free music in a legal and economical way, so you can have peace of mind by using quality music in your travel videos.

How do I choose background music for my travel videos? The Best 3 platforms

Of all the platforms that offer royalty-free music on the Internet, there are three that are by far the best.

Below I will show you each one of them, presenting you with their most powerful features.

However, before starting with the presentations, I must warn you: none of these sites offer free music.

All of them work through a monthly -or yearly- subscription with a very reduced cost.

That said, let's discover them!

Legis Music

legis music logoAt Legis Music we have decided to launch three exclusive plans this 2023 so that our customers can access royalty-free music easily and cheaply.

What these plans have in common is that you only have to pay once to get them, which allows you to enjoy unlimited songs for life and have the peace of mind of not having to worry about copyright claims in the future.

Thus, you can choose among the three plans, the one that best suits your needs: Starter Plan, Personal Plan and Business Plan.

However, if you are looking for music for your travel videos, we recommend the Personal Plan, with which you will get numerous songs to use in your personal proyects.

The Personal Plan offers unlimited music downloads, which can be used on social networks and streaming platforms, YouTube, apps, video games and audiobooks, as well as podcasts, virtual classes and online ads. Its price is $49 in a single payment and for life -if you use it for 3 years, it will be like paying 1€/month.

As you can see, if there is one thing that makes our licenses stand out, it is the opportunity to enjoy them forever and paying only once.

Epidemic Sound

Epidemic-Sound-new-logo Epidemic Sound is one of the oldest companies in the royalty-free music industry.

Based in Sweden since its birth in 2009, it is considered one of the largest companies in the sector.

If you have to define it in one word by its music library, that would be ‘huge'.

It has more than 30,000 music tracks and more than 60,000 sound effects, all designed by independent producers and artists who work exclusively with this platform.

It also has a couple of features that will help you find the perfect sound for your travel video.

  1. Find Similar. This feature will help you to find songs similar to the ones you liked. This way you can create the same sound environment in your videos.
  2. ‘Stems’. This feature will give you the possibility to use only the instruments you want from the song you have chosen, allowing you to remove elements such as guitars, bass, or voice, something perfect in case there are moments in the video where dialogs come out.

Apart from all the above, in Epidemic Sound you will find a license that will be ideal for you in case you want to create audiovisual content about traveling in a recurrent way in a YouTube channel.

The license is called ‘Personal Subscription’ and has the following advantages:

  • Unlimited downloads, only during the time the subscription remains active
  • No royalties. All music is royalty-free, so you don't have to worry about claims anymore.
  • Constantly growing music library. You will find new audio tracks and sound effects every week
  • Downloadable on all devices. Do you work with a tablet or from your smartphone? That is not a problem for Epidemic Sound.
  • Monetization is available. If you upload your content to social platforms, you will be able to monetize it without any extra cost.

However, if your idea is to share your video trips on these platforms, you will need to know that they have 2 different plans:


You have seen all that Epidemic Sound has to offer and why it is considered one of the best platforms to offer music without copyright.

However, to convince you, they have decided to throw out the baby with the bathwater and offer you a 30-day free trial.

*Note: If you need more information about this platform, don't miss our complete guide to Epidemic Sound.


If Epidemic Sound is the industry veteran and Envato Elements is its faithful competitor, in the case of Artlist you could say that it is the promise that seeks to establish itself as the best of all.

This young Israeli company, founded in 2016, comes with very clear ideas and with the desire to revolutionize the music market without copyright.

And that's something you see as soon as you first enter the platform.

With a revolutionary and minimalist design in which you have everything in sight, Artlist seeks to offer a complete, simple and intuitive service, something that shows perfectly in its fantastic user experience.

Regarding its music library, it is true that it cannot compete in quantity with its competitors because it ‘only' has just over 9,000 music tracks.

However, when it comes to music quality, he is no match for other companies. musica de fondo para videos de viajes

All its songs can be filtered according to Mood, Genre, Instrument or Video Theme, the latter being a fantastic option for finding music according to the theme of the video, among which you will find ‘Travel'.

But that's not all.

Artlist proves to be revolutionary in its approach to licensing as well.

This platform only offers a single license, called ‘Universal License’, which covers any aspect you want to use the song for, including the videos, of course.

In addition to all that, Artlist offers other benefits, such as:

  • Unlimited downloads for the duration of the subscription
  • Lifetime use of downloaded songs
  • Library renovated month by month with new music tracks
  • Monetization of your videos through YouTube
  • Use in any project, whether commercial or not

And how much does all this cost? musica instrumental para videos de viajes

I knew you were gonna ask sooner or later.

Normally, you are worried that this service that offers so many advantages could cost you a lot of money.

In that case, you can start to calm down.

The Artlist Universal License costs $199 a year -about $16.60 a month- so you can get an idea.

However, unlike the other platforms, they bet on a single annual payment instead of monthly micropayments.

This way, you pay only once and focus on finding the right songs instead of being concerned about whether you have money in the bank or whether you have received the bill in your inbox.

But now you can pay even less! artlist-logo-musica-fondo-video-inmobiliario

Because Artlist offers a promotion for new customers to get 2 months free.

All you have to do is subscribe to their newsletter and buy their license.

This will turn those 12 months of subscription into 14 months at the same price.

The 3 keys to success with your travel video

After learning about the three best platforms for getting the perfect music for your travel video, it's time to reveal the keys that the music tracks you choose must-have.

  1. Emotion – The video must convey emotion, especially the emotions that were felt during the trip. Stay away from negative emotions and look for pleasant sensations, with relaxing and joyful sounds.
  2. Coherence – If your trip has been to Southeast Asia, choose a type of music with sounds that belong to Western culture. The music you choose should accompany what the audience will see. Make it the vehicle that takes them along on your journey.
  3. Synchronization – If there is one effect that is successful in entertaining viewers, it is that there are changes of a shot in sync with the music. Use the beats to introduce a new photo or a new part of the video.


Travel videos are one of the best ways to show the best moments of your vacation to those closest to you.

As long as the video is well assembled, creative and consistent with what you want to transmit from it, it will be a piece that will delight anyone who watches it.

And as you have already discovered throughout the article, the essential factor that makes this possible while at the same time awakening the emotional factor of the viewers is the music.

Without this element, the message you want to deliver with the travel video will be incomplete, and will not have any effect on the people who watch it. Or can you imagine an audiovisual piece in which only photos and videos of you enjoying the trip are shown without music?

Luckily, you now know the three best platforms in the field of royalty-free music, with which you can add the soundtrack you were looking for in a legal, economical way and with the highest quality. musica para videos vacaciones

Each one will provide you with an extensive music library with a multitude of songs that you can use as a melody to showcase your adventures.

All this with the peace of mind you need, knowing that you will never be fined for copyright infringement.

However, you know that each one of them has its own specific features that make them different from each other.

Now it is up to you which one you want to start trying according to your needs.

And if you are looking for more, I recommend you to visit our articles about how to choose the right music for a video or music for your photo slideshows.