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Music for the Internet

Background Music for Virtual Classes

Published on | 16 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Background Music for Virtual Classes

According to Brandwatch, 8 out of 10 people between the ages of 18 and 49 watch educational videos on YouTube every month.

Videos that we could consider virtual classes if we take into account that:

A virtual class is a way of transmitting through the Internet the knowledge you have about a certain subject.

musica para clases virtuales para niñosNowadays, virtual classes and online courses are one of the ways with more potential that exists, both for people who want to learn about some subject and for people who want to monetize their knowledge in a comfortable and delocalized way.

In fact, virtual classes can be transmitted by a multitude of means within the online world:

  • By Zoom
  • On Google Meet
  • By Facebook broadcast
  • ‘Live' on Instagram
  • A YouTube video
  • A webinar on a website
  • A course hosted on an online platform

As you can see, there are many ways you can transmit your knowledge.

However, to do it in a professional way, you must take care of all the details and make sure they are in total coherence.

From your slideshows to your physical presence.

From the background that is going to be behind you, to the content that you are going to transmit.

And among these elements, there is one that, although it seems to be secondary, without it the video would not have the same impact or show the same professionalism: the music.

The background music is the perfect accompaniment for the user to take advantage of all the content in a virtual classroom.

You may not have stopped to think about it, but in almost every learning video you watch, there is always a background music that accompanies the video.


Because what it seeks is to accompany and support the message that is being transmitted.

Can you imagine a virtual class where you only listen to the person talking, without a soundtrack to follow?

Wouldn't it seem like some boring university classes?

If you think so too and you can see the importance of music in virtual classes, keep reading, because in this article you will discover:

  • The risks of using copyrighted music and how to avoid them
  • The best platforms to find the perfect music for your virtual classes
  • The best tips for using music correctly

Maybe you have thought of using some of your favorite songs or the latest big radio hit as a soundtrack.

However, using famous songs without the permission of the author, the record company or the songwriters' societies is illegal. copyright-musica-libre-derechos-autor-

And this is because most of them are protected by the famous copyright.

In the music field, copyright is nothing more than the exclusive right that the authors of the music tracks have, as well as their record companies and copyright management companies, such as the PROs.

In order to use this type of song in your virtual classes, you will need to obtain permission from these entities. “And how can I get permission?“, you may be asking.

Well, let's say everything has a price, and getting the rights to use copyrighted songs does too.

The bad news is that they usually ask for very high amounts and in most cases, it doesn't compensate economically for the fact of using that known song in your virtual classes. Amounts that are counted by hundreds of euros, unfortunately.

But don't be upset, because we have some good news for you:

You don't need famous songs to make your virtual classes successful.

In fact, using music known as the soundtrack for teaching materials is contraindicated.

We will explain why later, but now stay with the next idea:

Using royalty-free music is the best option for creating virtual classes that your students will fall in love with.

Why should I use royalty-free music in my virtual classes?

The truth is that there are several reasons, both for you as the creator of the content, and for your students.

But we are going to give you the 3 that we consider the most important.

Economical Price

First of all, the price.

Because, unlike copyrighted music, non-copyrighted music is much cheaper.

Instrumental Music

Secondly, royalty-free music offers you a great number of instrumental music tracks. musica para lecciones en linea

Because if you are going to teach your students something and you are going to talk about it, there can't be a song with a voice in the background.

If there is, they will inevitably lose focus on what you want to transmit to them, they will not learn what you want to teach them and they will not achieve the results they hoped to achieve.

And all because of not using the right music.

With instrumental music, you will avoid the failure of your students and you will create the ideal soundtrack to keep them hooked on your content.

Musical Variety

There are thousands of subjects to teach, just as there are thousands of musical styles that perfectly fit these subjects. musica sin derechos para clases virtuales

In this respect, copyrighted music has songs in each style.

But you know its drawbacks: it is tremendously expensive and does not have a large number of instrumental tracks.

Luckily, non-copyrighted music not only saves you money and has instrumental tracks, but also provides you with a wide variety of music to add the perfect soundtrack to your virtual lessons.

And after giving you three compelling reasons why you should use royalty-free music, let's now answer the question you're asking yourself right now.

Where can I find non-copyrighted music for my virtual classes?

Since the appearance of the Internet in our lives, finding anything has become a much easier task. musica para lecciones online

Before, to use music in a project, there was practically no other option but to pay the high fees that author societies demanded.

Now there is a wide variety of platforms on the Internet where you can find royalty-free music of the highest quality and at very affordable prices.

We have tried the vast majority and have made a selection of the best so that you don't have to spend more time looking for them.

Epidemic Sound

Epidemic Sound is the greatest veteran in the sector.Epidemic-Sound-new-logo

Since 2009 they have been providing the best non-copyrighted music to thousands of people around the world.

One of the reasons why it is considered the best platform, apart from its extensive experience, is its huge music library, with more than 30,000 songs and over 60,000 sound effects.

A library that grows more and more, week after week, to provide you with new content for your virtual classes.

It also has a couple of very interesting options that will make it easier for you to find the perfect track.


This is an option that allows you to remove any sound element from a song.

This means that, if you find a song you like, but it has a voice, you can easily remove it, turning that song into an instrumental track.

And the same thing can be done with other instruments like guitars, drums, bass or piano: you can transform that song to your liking!

Isn't that great?

Find Similar

This feature will make it easier for you to find songs similar to the one you liked.

With a single click, Epidemic Sound will provide you with an extensive list of similar music tracks, which is great for creating a sound pattern in your virtual lessons.

Other advantages of Epidemic Sound

In addition to those already mentioned, this platform offers you the following benefits:

  • Unlimited downloads for as long as the subscription is maintained.
  • Multi-platform use: you can download the songs on your pc, tablet or smartphone.
  • Coverage for social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Twitch.
  • You will be able to monetize your virtual classes without any problem.
  • Maximum peace of mind: you will avoid copyright claims.
  • New music tracks and sound effects every week.
  • You can cancel your subscription at any time.

And how much does an Epidemic Sound subscription cost?

Well, very little, at least compared to the exaggerated canons of the PROs. musica para clases en linea

The monthly subscription to Epidemic Sound costs $15 per month.

And if you are convinced that it is the tool you need, it offers you the possibility of making a single annual payment of $144.

In other words, you would save $36, or what is the same, a little bit more than two months free.

But if you are still not sure and think you would need to test the platform before making any payment, you are lucky.

Because Epidemic Sound is giving away 30 days free of charge for you to try out the entire platform without any commitment.

Envato Elements

envato-elements-logo-musica-fondo-videoWhile there are many who think that Epidemic Sound is the best platform for non-copyrighted music, there are many others who think the same about Envato Elements.

This platform has a large music library, with over 90,000 songs that you will find classified in different musical genres, as well as by mood, among other filters.

It is true that they do not have the option ‘Stems' of Epidemic Sound, but neither do they need it because the vast majority of the music you will find in Envato Elements is instrumental.

Just what you need to be able to talk during your virtual classes without distracting your students. envato elements for background music

You will also be able to pre-listen to all the songs on the platform, as well as use its great search engine to find the song you want.

Other advantages of Envato Elements

Until you are inside the platform, you do not realize its great potential.

However, below we will show you some particularities that make Envato one of the references in the sector:

  • Access to the entire catalog and weekly news
  • Unlimited downloads during the subscription
  • Unlimited use in all your virtual lessons
  • You will not receive any copyright or royalty claims
  • Cancellation at any time

What is the price of Envato Elements?

Envato has a monthly price of $15 / month, a very small amount for everything that is hidden inside.

If I were you I would give it a try and try it for a month.

This way you will be convinced that it is really the tool you were looking for.


You may not need large music libraries like the ones offered by the above platforms, but rather a platform that offers you the perfect song for your virtual classes.

In that case, Audiojungle is the platform you need.audiojungles-licenses

Here you will find more than a million songs that you can license individually.

In other words, you won't have to pay month after month for access to thousands of songs from which you'll only download one or two.

Instead, you will have a large musical library at your disposal and you will only pay for the songs you download.

As easy and as simple as it sounds.

How much does each Audiojungle song cost?

The price of each song depends on the number of plays or downloads that your virtual class has.

  • If it does not exceed 10,000 plays or downloads, you will need the ‘Standard' license, which costs between $26 and $29 per song.

  • If, on the other hand, it exceeds that number of reproductions, then you will need the ‘Mass Reproduction' license, regardless of the number of reproductions or downloads that your virtual class receives. In that case, the price per song will be between $80 and $100 per song.

So if you want to have at your disposal the largest music library on the Internet and be able to choose individual songs for your virtual lessons, don't hesitate and have a look at Audiojungle.

musica para clases virtuales

The keys to using music correctly in your virtual course

Okay, now you know the best platforms for non-copyrighted music. “What now?” you might ask.

Well, the next thing you need to discover is the keys of how to correctly use that music in order to achieve the effect you want.

And to do that you'll need to take into account some important factors.

Key #1. Use music with a slow rhythm

It is scientifically proven that the speed of music directly affects the speed at which our heart beats.

musica de fondo para hoteles de lujoTherefore, if you use music with high bpm's, you will be generating stress in your students in a subconscious way.

And that is something totally negative when it comes to learning and, above all, something that causes a bad association with the course.

Think about it for a moment: if when consuming a virtual class you feel stress, and you repeat the process several times, in a subconscious way you will feel bad when consuming that content, and you will stop doing it.

To avoid this effect and create an environment that encourages learning, you should choose music with relaxed rhythms.

Key #2. Relaxed musical genres that your students like

When creating the virtual classes of your online training, you must have clear parameters such as the final goal of the course, your ideal client or the subject you want to teach, among others.

All of them generate an image of you, your course and your company in your students, and the background music must be in total harmony with that image.

Otherwise, you can cause a confusing impression on them, something that would decrease their confidence in you.

To help you, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What topics were taught in the lessons?
  • What image do I want to transmit to my students?
  • What is the age range of our students?

You must take into account each of the factors and determine the musical genre that best fits your theme and your students.

For example, if your course teaches how to invest in the stock market and your target audience is people between 30 and 50 years old, perhaps good music would be classical royalty-free music or instrumental jazz. Or if your virtual classes aim to teach image editing techniques and focus on a younger audience, chill-out music might be a good fit.

Key #3. The volume of the music, in the background

The main thing about a virtual class is that the student is focused on your message and presentation of it, and not on the music.

The music should only serve as an accompaniment to that message.

Therefore, you must internalize that the sound background must be just that: a sound background.

musica sin copyright para clases virtuales However, do not play at a very low volume either, or it will create an uncomfortable atmosphere as if only silence were heard behind your voice.

Key #4. Don't get carried away by your musical preferences

This is a mistake that many people make.

They tend to forget that their virtual classes are for themselves and not for their students.

Therefore, they use music from their favorite genres to give it the touch they like.

However, your students may not like the same music as you.

Don't forget that your virtual classes should be 100% focused on your students, including background music.

Key #5. Important: Use non-copyrighted instrumental music

By now you know why you should use non-copyrighted music. musica de clases online

Not only does it save you the classic problems and penalties for breaking the law, but it also saves you a lot of money.

However, if you remember, at the beginning of the article, we told you that later on we would tell you why using known music is counterproductive for your students.

Because if you use a famous song as a background in your virtual classes, your students' attention will automatically shift from your content to the lyrics of the song.

And you don't want your students to end your lesson singing Dua Lipa's ‘Break My Heart' or other super hits, do you?

you must use non-copyrighted instrumental music in your virtual classes.

musica de fondo para clases online


Virtual classes are possibly the best way to learn any subject nowadays.

And the best thing is that it offers a lot of advantages, both for you, as a producer of the content, and for the student, as a final consumer.

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For YouFor your Students
Very low production costs. With the large number of free tools that are available on the Internet, plus the ability of your smartphone to record quality videos of virtual classes, your investment beyond the time you spend will be very low, and your profits can be very high.Much more value for less price. In the same way that the creator of the course needs fewer resources and has lower costs to create the material, the student also benefits from a good material at a much cheaper price than if it were classroom-based.
Easier to reach many more people. By taking the course in a 100% digital environment, you will not have the geographical problems that the classroom courses do. Your audience will not be located in one place, something that will exponentially increase your chances of success.Freedom and total autonomy to learn. As there are no fixed schedules and the course material is always available, the student can adapt the course to his or her needs and pace of life. In the same way, you can learn from any place and from any device, simply by connecting to the Internet.
Total freedom to present your knowledge. Factors such as the duration of each virtual class, its organization into modules, the additional material to each lesson, as well as the course format and its promotion (subscription-based learning platform, full course, or individual mini-courses) will depend on you, and only you.Content always accessible. Unlike in a physical course, where the student does not take all the notes they would like due to lack of time, in the virtual course, the student always has the content within their reach, being able to pause it whenever they want and reproduce it as many times as they need.

As you can see, there is no debate when it comes to demonstrating the benefits of virtual lessons in online training.

However, you have already seen that their effectiveness is determined by many factors, including:

  • The clear presentation of the content
  • The organization of the lessons
  • Downloadable support material
  • Your physical presence and visual background
  • The background music

And it is precisely about music that we have spoken about throughout this article.

Now you know the importance of taking into account the copyright before choosing the music, as well as the keys to use it correctly and the platforms where to get the best tracks for your virtual classes.

Of course, we are referring to Epidemic Sound, Envato Elements, and Audiojungle, the 3 best music tools you can find on the Internet.

All of them provide you with a huge music library with thousands of tracks classified by genres, moods, or speed, among other filters.

However, each one of them has its own particularities and characteristics that make them unique and different from the others.

Turn your virtual classes into real ‘Masterclasses' with the highest quality background music

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Epidemic SoundSubscriptionFrom $15 / month
Envato ElementsSubscriptionFrom $14.50 / month
ArtlistSubscription$199 / year