No monthly payments. Pay once, get the music for life!
Music for Business & Ads

Buy music for corporate videos

Published on | 12 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Buy music for corporate videos

As a company, you probably know how important it is to show a good image to the outside world, that is to say to potential customers.

Marketing plays a key role in promoting your business: whether it's through a video, a presentation or a commercial.

The resource that most companies normally use to make themselves known are corporate videos, which are made up of two essential elements:

  • Visual material
  • Audio material

historia de los derechos de autor en españaIt is therefore equally necessary to have both a good quality image and video, as well as the right music that fits perfectly with the message you want to convey.

There are many websites from which you can obtain music tracks, but there are not so many that offer legal security in terms of copyright.

But before we indicate which are the best platforms to obtain music without risk, let's take a brief look at the types of music that can be used for business videos.

What types of music are there?

At this point, it is convenient to distinguish between 2 different types of music that can be used when you want to set the scene for a project:

  • Free copyright-free music
  • Royalty-free music

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose the one that best suits your own needs and objectives:

Free royalty-free music

la mejor herrramienta contra las reclamaciones de copyright en youtubeFirst of all, it should be clear that royalty-free music is a misnomer for royalty-free music.

Royalty-Free Music is music that is licensed under a license that allows the purchaser to use the songs unlimitedly after having paid for this license.

Royalty-free music is thus not subject to royalty payments based on the number of times it is used.

derechos de autor españa precioHowever, there is also royalty-free music available for free, which falls into two main categories: music in the public domain and music protected by a free license.

If you want to know more about this, we have an article that explains it perfectly.

In fact, there are thousands of platforms that offer songs of this type.

However, although this option appeals to many, it is necessary to be aware of the disadvantages before making a choice:

  • No free music can be used for commercial purposes – for example in an advertisement.
  • The quality of free music is not suitable for professional video.
  • Big platforms like YouTube can mute the video or even block it.

In case you are not willing to expose your business projects to these difficulties, you have the possibility to purchase royalty-free music under licenses. musica en el cine

However, at the end of this article you will find a compilation of websites that offer royalty-free music for free in case you still want to use them.

Royalty-free music

Copyright is the set of rules that protect the content created by a person, in this case, songs

However, the term “royalty-free” refers to the license under which the music is obtained, not the song itself. Comprar licencia de uso cancion

A license states, among other things, what you can and cannot do with the music track, so depending on the purpose for which a song is used, you will need one license or another.

This article discusses this in more depth.

When it comes to a corporate video, the most advisable thing to do is to access this type of music, due to the musical quality, the security and comfort – in terms of the project not being censored – and the professionalism.

Thus, with a simple search on the Internet you can find several websites dedicated to the music world that offer songs that already include the necessary licenses so that there are no problems.

Below is a list of the best platforms and the advantages offered by each one:

Secure music platforms for corporate business videos.

Legis Music

At Legis Music we want to make sure that you can easily and cheaply access royalty-free music to use in the background of your projects.

legis music logoSo, in 2023 we have decided to launch three exclusive plans with the common feature that you only have to pay once to get them, so you can enjoy the songs unlimitedly for life and have the peace of mind of not having to worry about copyright claims in the future.

This way, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs:

  1. Starter Plan. This licence is recommended for those who are looking for music to use in personal projects. It also allows you to use the music in all social networks and on any website. The only condition is to credit in every publication.
  2. Personal Plan. If you are looking to get numerous songs to use in your personal projects, this is the license for you. The Personal Plan offers unlimited music downloads and can be used on social media and streaming platforms, YouTube, apps, video games and audiobooks, as well as podcasts, virtual classes and online advertisements. The price is $49 in a single payment and for life – if you use it for 3 years, it will be like paying 1€/month-.
  3. Business Plan. This plan is specially designed for freelancers, companies and those who work for clients. It is the most open licence of all, as any use case is covered and it also offers unlimited music (the only thing that is not allowed is to resell the songs). It is priced as a one-off payment of $99 for life – if you use it for 2 years, it will be like paying $4/month.

As you can see, if there is one thing that makes our licences stand out, it is the opportunity to enjoy them forever and paying only once.

If you want to get more information about each licence, do not hesitate to visit this page or contact us.

Epidemic Sound

Epidemic-Sound-new-logoOne of the best known portals in the sector is Epidemic Sound.

Many world-renowned companies such as Nike or Coca-Cola, as well as most youtubers and influencers, use it to choose the music that fits their videos, as it offers a library of more than 100,000 royalty-free songs and sound effects. licencias musica gratis

This platform is also the only one that has the so-called “direct license”, which is the license that, simply explained, includes each and every one of the rights necessary to use the songs.

Having songs with a direct license means having absolute freedom to use them in your videos and distribute them on any online platform and in any country in the world.

For companies, agencies and freelancers, Epidemic Sound offers its “Commercial Plan”, which allows you to:

  • Download unlimited music with all rights included.
  • Use that music in online ads, as well as on any social network.
  • Get personalized music recommendations.
  • The ability to ‘clear' clients' videos of copyright claims, or even do it themselves.

Epidemic Sound recently added two new tools – very useful especially for marketing agencies – to avoid copyright claims.

These are called “clear videos” and “clearing invitations”.

Through “clear videos” (translated into Spanish as “limpar videos”), the aim is to literally clear the videos -both their own and those of clients- of copyright claims in order to avoid the whole process of justifying the use of the music a posteriori on platforms such as YouTube, for example.


On the other hand, the so-called “clearing invitations” were created with the intention of making it easier for marketing agencies to send individual invitations to clients to participate in the platform so that they can take care of clearing their videos themselves.Audiio menus

Both tools are very easy to access. In this article on our website we explain step by step how to do it.

The only requirement to use them is to have the aforementioned “Commercial Plan”.

The cost varies depending on whether you choose to pay monthly or annually in advance. If you choose the first option, the cost is €49 per month.

However, if you opt for the annual payment, the price is reduced to €25 per month, for a total of €299 per year, giving a saving of almost 50% on the final price.


Artlist musica instagram Artlist has a bank of more than 8,000 music tracks with a wide variety of musical genres that are distinguished by the filters of ‘Mood', ‘Genre' or ‘Instruments'.

It also offers different versions of the same song, that is to say you can enjoy extended, shortened or instrumental versions, among others, to give different musical nuances to your corporate video. LICENCIAR MÚSICA PARA VIDEOS Y PRODUCCIONES DE OTROS CLIENTES EN YOUTUBE

Although there are three different licenses available – “personal”, “unlimited” and “interprise”, for corporate videos it is advisable to purchase the second one: “Unlimited”.

Once you purchase it, you will be able to use their music anywhere and forever, without worrying about details such as the commercial use you give to their music or whether the licenses will expire when the subscription ends.

Thus, the price of their license, unlike Epidemic Sound, is on an annual basis rather than monthly. The annual amount is 199€, which is equivalent to 16.60€ per month.

How to choose the right music for your corporate video?

Clear-Videos-Epidemic-SoundAs we said at the beginning, a corporate video must be attractive to capture the attention of the viewers, in such a way that it largely determines the reputation of the company in the market.

Therefore, if you want your corporate video to look as authentic and convincing as possible, you should use high quality music.

In addition, you should choose the songs that best suit what you want to convey with it.

Here are a few simple and clear steps on how to choose the right music:

  1. Decide what kind of emotion pretendes expresar en el vídeo. you want to express in the video: Is it a calm message, to inform about something? Is it a positive message? Is it a powerful message, with force?
  2. Type in the search engine of the platform where you are going to buy the music, four or five words that define the previous point -if it is in English, the better, as most of the portals are in that language-. For example, they could be: ambient, optimistic, background, happy, inspiring, emotional… We can consider that this would be the theme of the advertisement.
  3. Listen to at least the beginning of 15-20 songs.
  4. Save in favourites or in an open tab those that you like and that you think best fit.
  5. Download them and try them as background music in your corporate video until you find the one you like best.

As you can see, there are very few steps to follow to get the best music for your corporate video.

So now you just need to put them into practice.

free background music for videos legisAs we mentioned at the beginning of this article, at a business level it is advisable to use royalty-free music under licenses. ç

However, if you want to acquire it for free, here is a list of platforms that offer it.

YouTube Audio Library

background music for youtube high qualityDue to the complications caused by the limitations on the illegal use of music on this platform, Youtube decided to enable a library of free music and sounds for free use.

There are not many complications to obtain the songs, as it is enough to type the words “YouTube Audio Library” in Google.

There you will find all the songs sorted by genre, mood and duration. Next to these tags, the “download” option is available. music-creative-commons

The only thing to note is that many songs are marked with the Creative Commons (CC) label, which means you have to mention the artist in the description of the video.


Soundcloud is one of the most popular portals at the moment, as many artists share their songs there.

These are also licensed under Creative Commons.

To obtain the music tracks you only have to register on the website, find the songs that best suit your company's corporate video and click on the “free download” button that appears at the bottom left of the audio.

Sometimes, the platform makes it a requirement for the free download that you “like” your Facebook page.


Audionautix is another platform that offers royalty-free music for free under the Creative Commons License.

It was created by Jason Shaw, who shares his own music altruistically. url de musica de fondo para paginas web gratis

You can use all the songs from Audionautix without any problem, as long as you include the url of the website in the place where you publish it or mention the source: “music by”.

Here you will find music that is organized by genre, tempo or mood.


As with the platforms mentioned above, on Bensound you can purchase songs for free with a commitment to acknowledge or credit the website.

A very important thing to bear in mind is that the use of the songs is limited to a certain type of project, such as the publication of videos on Youtube or Facebook.

If you want to have more privileges to use the music offered, you can get one of two subscription plans: “Standard subscription” or “Extended subscription”.


Finally, Jamendo is a currently very active community that uploads content under Creative Commons license on a daily basis with good audio quality.

Songs from many different genres are published here, with pop, rock and indie being the most important ones, as they have a vision of promoting independent music groups.

Unlike other platforms, you don't have to mention the author or the website when you use their songs.

la mejor herrramienta contra las reclamaciones de derechos de autor en youtubeNow that you know the types of music you can use for your corporate videos and the most recommended for this type of work, as well as the most reliable platforms in the royalty-free music market…

You just need to put it into practice and launch to the public the great corporate video that will define your business.