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Music for Business & Ads

Music for Advertising Agencies & Freelancers

Published on | 12 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Music for Advertising Agencies & Freelancers

If you are an advertising agency or a freelancer dedicated to the creation of audiovisual content, surely you know the importance of music in your professional work.

Music is not only a key resource to increase sales, but it is also the perfect element for awakening the emotions of your clients that generate conversions.

Warning. You Cannot Use Any Music Track for Commercial Purposes

Don't you know what this means?

Well, in a short way, it means that you can't just download Ed Sheeran's or Pharrell Williams' latest hit and use it in your audiovisual work.

One of the reasons you can't do that is because:

As you know, most of the songs you know are protected by copyright. According to Wikipedia,

“Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.”

Put more simply, copyright gives the owner of the song the exclusive right to use the work.

That is if you want to use that latest Ed Sheeran or Pharrell Williams hit you will have to contact them or their record labels and negotiate the amount for which they will allow you to use their songs. musica sin copyright derechos de autor

Because if you use their songs without their permission, you will be committing an illegal act and you will face heavy penalties or even criminal responsibilities.

So, if you want to use famous music in a legal way, negotiate the conditions to use it, and not have copyright issues.

However, this is where the other drawback to using a music track for commercial purposes comes in:

The (High) Price

I told you before that you cannot use any music track for commercial purposes.

But what I really meant was that you can't use it for free.

In fact, if you want to use any famous song or internationally recognized artists, you can prepare the wallet. Because it will be expensive.como se llama la musica de ascensor

The better known the song is, the more expensive it will be to obtain copyright and usage licenses.

“How expensive?”, you might ask.

Well, that depends. It will vary depending on what the label and the author considered.

They may give you the rights for free (which I doubt), in the same way, that they may ask you for anything from a few hundred dollars to a few hundred… of thousands of dollars.

In any case, you can contact directly with Ed Sheeran's or Pharrell Williams' record companies and have them tell you...

Don't you think this is a very expensive way to get a good return on investment?

Wouldn't it be better to opt for better options to add the soundtrack to your videos?

Recommendation: Use a Platform With Royalty-Free Music

If you had this same situation 30 years ago, maybe you would have no choice:

  • Negotiate with the record companies the cost of using a certain song
  • Accepting the high fees of copyright societies such as the PROs.

However, thanks to the development of technology, today you can discard these options and still use quality music to take your creative work to the next level.

Nowadays there are many platforms on the Internet that can provide you with royalty-free music at a ridiculous cost compared to what record labels or copyright societies ask for.

At Legis Music we know them all, however, there is one that is considered ‘the music paradise' for advertising agencies and freelancers.

And when you finish reading the article you will understand why it is the ultimate solution to scale up your productions (and your sales).

Epidemic Sound, The Best Platform for Advertising Agencies and Freelancers

Epidemic Sound is Epidemic-Sound-new-logothe biggest reference in the market for royalty-free music.

Since its creation in 2009, this Swedish-based company has achieved one of the highest growth rates in the sector.

It has over 11 years of experience in the industry, backed by the satisfaction of thousands and thousands of customers who love their services.

Epidemic Sound offers you a music library of the highest quality, with exclusive music tracks created by independent musicians from all over the world. Speaking of numbers, in this library, you will find more than 32,000 songs and over 64,000 sound effects.

Numbers that increase weekly, with hundreds of new tracks every month.

In addition, it will cost you practically nothing to find the music track you need, something that you will check as soon as you enter.

Its search system, its filters, and intuitive interface will make your work (much) easier and save you precious time to create your audiovisual piece.

Epidemic Sound Subscription Plans

Epidemic has three plans: the Personal plan, the Commercial plan, and the Enterprise plan. Epidemic-Sound-subscription-plans

  • The Personal Plan is intended for content creators or podcasters who create pieces for their own use.
  • The Commercial Plan is focused on freelancers and companies that create productions for commercial purposes.
  • The Enterprise Plan is designed for entities that are looking for a business solution, i.e. media companies, publishers, or broadcasters.

Since you are an agency or a freelancer, you should choose the Commercial Plan.

And that's a fantastic sign because you will benefit from absolutely incredible advantages.

Commercial Plan: Everything You Need (And More)

If you needed the best solution to add the perfect soundtrack to your productions, here it is.

The ‘Commercial subscription‘ will allow you to add the best soundtrack for your projects, as well as to legally sublicense the content to your clients.

You will be able to download and use each and every one of the tracks and sound effects available on the platform, with no download limit, and virtually no platform usage limits.

Is your business based on social networks like YouTube, TikTok Facebook, or Instagram?

You will have no problem using the thousands of music tracks on Epidemic Sound.

It won't matter how many followers you have, or how many plays your publication has. You'll be 100% covered.

Do your commercial works involve digital ads?

You can be assured that the music tracks you will find on the platform will also cover ads on websites, Twitch channels, or podcasts, even those with monetization.

Perhaps, by now you are convinced that Epidemic Sound is the tool you need.

But stay a little longer, because you still don't know the best features of the Commercial plan. Epidemic-Sound-music

Features That Will Change Your Life

Next, you will discover the real ‘secret weapons' of Epidemic Sound.

Find Similar

How many times have you found the music track you wanted for a project and you have been left with the desire to find similar ones.

The Epidemic Sound team is very aware of this because this problem has been faced by thousands of clients that, like you, also wanted to find similar tracks.

The solution?

They added the option ‘Find Similar' so that, in a single click, you can find all those songs that are similar to the one you liked.


Tell me if this situation sounds familiar to you:

You have a vocal song, with each of its instruments (drums, guitar, bass…) and you love it. But you can't use it as a background because it's a vocal song. But you would love to be able to remove the voice and leave the rest of the instruments.

Well, that's precisely what ‘Stems‘ feature does for you. Basically, it will give you the chance to remove any sound element from the song you have chosen, be it voice, drums, bass, guitar… anything!

So that you never say again that there is something left over from a song.

Now you will be able to eliminate it in a blink of an eye.

Clear Videos

Epidemic-Sound-clear-videos Remember when we talked earlier about copyright and the risks of infringement?

To refresh your memory, I remind you that if you use copyrighted music illegally:

  • Your videos will be silenced on social networks
  • They will close your YouTube / Twitch (and similar platforms) channels
  • You will be fined
  • You will face legal and criminal responsibilities

However, with the ‘Clear Videos‘ tool available in the Epidemic Sound Commercial plan, you will avoid any future claims on your productions.

You will simply need to add the URL of your audiovisual works (or those you have made for your clients), and Epidemic Sound will take care of everything else.

Finally, you will have the peace of mind you were looking for regarding copyright.

How much does the Epidemic Sound Commercial plan cost?

A platform with all the features you have been discovering throughout the article could demand thousands of dollars from your customers, honestly.

However, in this aspect, Epidemic Sound will also surprise you.

Because its Commercial plan has a considerably reduced cost for everything it offers.

The monthly subscription is priced at just $49 per month. Epidemic-Sound-dollar-pricing However, if you are sure that this plan is exactly what you need, the best thing to do would be to opt for the annual payment ($299 per year).

That will reduce the monthly amount (almost) by half -about $25 per month-. But there's more.

Epidemic Sound is giving away a free 30-day trial period to new customers so that you can enjoy all its advantages at no cost.

Don't waste another second and access now to the definitive tool to increase your business sales.

Música para Agencias de Publicidad y Autónomos


Music is an essential resource for any content creator or advertising agency.

After what you have seen so far, you will know that it is true. But if you don't believe it, I challenge you to make the following reflection:

Imagine for a moment that an advertising video, a YouTube tutorial, or a digital ad from an agency is shared without background music. Only with voice, or even without voice and without music. Don't you think they would be losing valuable conversions because of it?

Well, then there you have the proof that music is not only important but essential for any type of audiovisual content creator.

And let's not mention again the risks of using famous music illegally, because you know you will face uncomfortable surprises.

To avoid problems with music and lower its purchase costs, it is better to access online platforms with royalty-free music.

And among all the services you have available on the Internet, your best option is, without any doubt, Epidemic Sound.

Not only is it the best platform for non-copyrighted music on the Internet, but it also has the most advanced features on the market. Epidemic-Sound-categories Their ‘Commercial Plan' has absolutely everything you need to take your business to the next level (musically speaking).

And there were so many features that, in order not to forget them, here I summarize them again:

  • (Almost) Infinite Library. More than 32,000 songs, more than 64,000 sound effects, and hundreds of new music tracks per month. Can you ask for more?
  • Quality and Quantity go Hand in Hand. Not only you will have many songs, but a lot of quality in them. In fact, the best quality in the industry.
  • ‘Exclusivity'. Sounds good, doesn't it? All their music tracks are created by independent artists who offer their work in Epidemic Sound exclusively.
  • The limit… Does Not Exist! For the period of your subscription, you can download as many tracks as you want unlimitedly. Yes yes, un-li-mi-te-dly.
  • Maximum Peace of Mind. With our 100% royalty-free music collection, you'll never have to worry about claims or penalties again.
  • Anytime, Anywhere. You can download your favorite songs for your projects on your PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • For Everything Related to the Word ‘Online'. You will be covered for social media work, websites, online platforms, and digital ads.
  • Monetization Allowed. Unlike other platforms, if you monetize your work, we won't ask you for commissions or anything else.

Don't all these advantages cost much more than $49 per month?

But you can also enjoy all of them for Free for a whole month. It's as simple as that:

  • If you don't like it, you don't use it
  • And if you like it, you get the full benefit for 30 days without risking a single penny.

Nothing to lose and everything to win.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Below we will answer the most frequently asked questions by our customers before they purchased the Epidemic Sound Commercial plan:

  • Who is this subscription for?

Commercial subscription is for freelancers and small businesses of soundtrack content for advertising or commercial use for their own business or for clients.

It should be noted that if you are a major publisher, broadcaster, or a multi-million euro company, you will not be considered a “small business”.

In that case, we recommend that you contact Epidemic Sound through this link so that they can advise you on their customized plans.

  • Is there a termination period?

As with other subscriptions they have, there is no ‘period'. However, whether you pay monthly or annually, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will still have access to all content and coverage until the next renewal period.

That is, if you have already paid for the month or the annuity, and you want to cancel it in the middle of the period, you can continue to enjoy all its benefits until the end of the paid period.

  • What happens to the videos distributed after unsubscribing?

All videos published while you were subscribed to one of Epidemic Sound's plans are free to be claimed for copyright forever!

However, if you have published audiovisual works after the end of your subscription, you will not have any protection from Epidemic Sound, and you may receive claims and penalties for copyright infringement.

  • What if I am creating content for a non-profit organization?

Epidemic Sound's commercial plan also covers third parties, whether it is a non-profit organization such as a church or school, or another type of client.

This will require the use of the ‘Clear Videos' feature. You will only need to enter the URL of the website where your work is hosted for those organizations.

Once done, they will be protected from any copyright claims forever.

  • What payment options are available at Epidemic Sound?

Payments for any Epidemic Sound subscription can be made monthly or annually, the latter with a considerable reduction in the final price). You can pay them through MasterCard, Visa, or PayPal, as their online payment system supports these payment methods.