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Music for conferences and motivational talks

Published on | 10 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Music for conferences and motivational talks

music for talksConferences and motivational talks are evolving a lot in the last times: even more with the tendency of TED speeches, that have become a clear reference in this world.

All these types of talks have a message to convey.

When it comes to disseminating this concept, it is very important to do it with enthusiasm and motivation, since this will be the best way to make the idea you want to divulge deeply in the minds of the attendees.

It is in that context where music appears.

So, if you are planning to give a lecture or a small motivational talk, do not hesitate to read this article, because in it you will find multiple tips to cause a stir in the audience with your speech, always accompanied, of course, by the musical element.

Where to acquire the right sound content for your presentation?

free license music for talks Although later I will talk about the different types of music best suited to the different types of conferences, you should also keep in mind that it is very important the place from where you get that musical content.

Next, I will talk about one of the most recommendable methods when obtaining music with their respective licenses of use.

Legis Music

legis music logoAt Legis Music we have decided to launch three exclusive plans this 2023 so that our customers can access royalty-free music easily and cheaply.

What these plans have in common is that you only have to pay once to get them, which allows you to enjoy unlimited songs for life and have the peace of mind of not having to worry about copyright claims in the future.

Thus, you can choose among the three plans, the one that best suits your needs: Starter Plan, Personal Plan and Business Plan.

However, if you are looking for music for your Linkedln profile, we recommend the Personal Plan, with which you will get numerous songs to use in your persona

The Personal Plan offers unlimited music downloads, which can be used on social networks and streaming platforms, YouTube, apps, video games and audiobooks, as well as podcasts, virtual classes and online ads. Its price is $49 in a single payment and for life -if you use it for 3 years, it will be like paying 1€/month.

As you can see, if there is one thing that makes our licenses stand out, it is the opportunity to enjoy them forever and paying only once.

Epidemic Sound

Epidemic Sound is a platform that works through a monthly subscription and lets you download each of the songs and add them to your presentations or talks at the time of creating them.

Epidemic-Sound-new-logoIt is the ideal solution to add background music to videos, for example.

It offers a large amount of music content classified in a very specific way, so you can undoubtedly find the material you are looking for. Searches can be made by genre, instrument, mood, etc.

Much of the songs on this website are intended to be used as background music.

In fact, the vast majority do not have lyrics, which makes them perfect to be reproduced simultaneously with the voice of the speaker, without causing any confusion in the transmission of the message.

What's their price?

It has an option called ‘Personal Subscription' which gives you access to more than 30,000 songs and 60,000 sound effects.

Some of its main features are:

  • Easy registration and use of the service. All new users receive a free 30-day trial.
  • One of the cheapest monthly rates, from $15/month.
  • Never worry about copyright claims.
  • Monetize your videos and upload them to any platform: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Podcasts, and Twitch.
  • Find an extensive 100% royalty-free catalog of high-quality music and SFX sound effects.
  • Download songs from STEMS: You can design the sound and edit any song the way you like, and make your content stand out.
  • Pay a monthly fee and cancel at any time (no annual commitment).

Soundtrack Your Brand

soundtrack your brand logo y nombre rojoOn the other hand, Soundtrack Your Brand is a platform that offers the possibility to play music in streaming.

It is the ideal solution if there are talks or conferences of recurrent form in your center and background music is needed often since it gives:

  • Over 300 soundtracks updated with 10,000 new music tracks every day
  • Programming the music on specific days and hours in a simple way.
  • Can be used remotely via smartphone, tablet or computer
  • Available for various operating systems, including iOS, Android and Windows
  • Full control of your business music by remote control
  • Music playing in all your business locations
  • Offline mode. The music keeps playing even if you run out of Internet
  • Import of playlists and songs from Spotify.

Although it has long been called ‘Spotify for Business' it should not be considered as such, as Spotify is only one of its many shareholders.

What's their price?

The price will depend on which country you reside in.

For example, if your location is in Spain or other countries whose currency is the Euro, the price of Soundtrack Your Brand will be $34,99 per month.

However, if you want to see the price in your country of residence, you can do so by clicking here.

In addition, Soundtrack Your Brand offers its new customers the possibility of trying out its platform at no cost.

They are giving away 30 days for free so you can convince yourself that their service is what you are looking for for your business.

Why should you use music in your conferences?

songs for presentations In previous articles, we have always talked about the emotional function that music has, since it is of great help when what is intended is to make people feel and create emotions.

Well, in the speeches there are two ways to convince the public of the idea transmitted:

  • Rationally: which consists of the use of words.
  • Emotionally: which is based on the generation of feelings.

These two methods are not exclusive; on the contrary, they are totally complimentary.

So, what better to use words in your speech to make a deep rationally and music to do it too, but in this case emotionally.

However, the music not only serves for the attendees to leave the conference or talk euphoric and excited. Songs also serve to fulfill two more functions:

  • Educate.
  • Entertain.

It is scientifically proven that music helps enormously to increase the chances of remembering.

In this way, this becomes a very important element when trying to make the audience remember the transmitted message and, consequently, so that there is more chance that this audience act in their daily life in line with your speech.

In addition, the music is able to entertain and make a speech, which pronounced without accompaniment could be a bit monotonous and boring, something interesting.

Who has never killed the free time by listening to music in the room, on the train, on the street…?

Finally, it is worth mentioning the great influence that music exerts on the state of mind of the people.

What music is best to use for your motivational talks?

songs for expositionsOne of the things that you have to keep in mind when selecting the type of music you want for your conference is that the main objective consists, apart from provoking everything mentioned above, in creating a high impact talk, so the attendees can remember it forever.

First of all, you should know that there are different types of conferences.

These are usually classified according to your theme or message to be transmitted:

  • Business conferences: business operation message.
  • Conferences for entrepreneurs: message on the initiative.
  • Educational conferences: a message about effort and about tomorrow.
  • Marketing conferences: a message about sales.

You should also take into account the type of audience of your act:

  • Business conferences: businessmen.
  • Conferences for entrepreneurs: creators and entrepreneurs (they will be generally young).
  • Educational conferences: students, teachers, or parents.
  • Marketing conferences: marketing and commercial directors.

Depending on the theme of the speech and depending on the type of audience, you should opt for a musical genre in particular:

  • Jazz: often used to create an elegant atmosphere.
  • Classical music: often used to create an elegant, but more sober environment.
  • Swing/Blues: to generate a dynamic trend, with rhythm and freshness.
  • Soul: to build a cozy atmosphere.
  • Electronic music: if you want to break, surprise and impact.

How to manage the musical element for your speech?

music to motivate your publicOne of the things you must decide when managing music for your conference is if you prefer to opt for live music or song reproduction.

That will depend to a large extent on the budget you have, since normally live music, as well as its effects can be more impactful, also usually has very high costs.

When it comes to volume, keep in mind that music should be heard without any problem in any corner of the room, so if this is very large, it would not be a bad option to choose the use of amplifiers.

The volume and sharpness of the music depend to a large extent on the quality of the sound equipment.

The volume must be continuously regulated according to the rhythm that we want to mark in the conference.

Low volumes and rhythms are often used for background music and to accompany the speaker's words.

High volumes and rhythms tend to be used for moments when music comes to the fore and words no longer matter.

In any case, words and music must be in perfect harmony, since the fact of being complementary elements does not mean that you can do what you want with them: they must go in the same direction.

Music must also be in perfect harmony with graphic and visual elements, such as, for example, the images and thus be able to further reinforce the message to be transmitted.

In case images go by one after the other, it is very important that the transitions are made on par with the words of the speaker and also with the rhythm of the music.

Other recommendations

In order to properly manage the sound factor of a conference or motivational talk, it is very important to have the appropriate technical equipment.

Normally, for a perfect conference or talk you need:

  • 2 microphones on the podium (voices).
  • 1 wireless microphone (if we want the participation of the public).
  • 1 console for mixing sounds with 4 channels (MIC/LINE).
  • 1 700W amplifier (8 Ohms).
  • 2 700W speakers (8 Ohms).
  • Cables (among other things, to connect amplifiers, microphones, etc.).


music for motivational talks Music is a key element for any business or event, but it is even more relevant if the event consists of a conference or talk, since in these types of speeches the motivational factor plays a fundamental role.

The sound content of your talk will depend a lot on the type of speech and the  type of audience.

However, there is one thing you should have clear and consists precisely of the fact that music should always be in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the voice of the speaker and also with the transition of the images.

You should also be very aware of the site from where you get this musical content since depending on the web you could receive an administrative penalty.

In addition, the fact of having platforms like Soundtrack Your Brand in the market, which is very economical and profitable because of the facilities it offers, makes everything easier, as they help a lot to make your conference a success since the public leave the room euphoric and with a message to remember forever.