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Music for Stores & Physical Locations

Music for Fitness Center, Gyms & Classes

Published on | 7 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Music for Fitness Center, Gyms & Classes

musica de fondo para gymIn previous articles we have talked about the importance of music in restaurants. And is that its persuasive effects on customers are already a reality commonly accepted by all.

The case of gyms is no exception in that sense, since music also helps to produce that feeling of relaxation so relevant when it comes to getting a greater likelihood of hiring services.

However, that's not the only advantage of using the musical element for your gym.

The effects it has on the performance of athletes when training are diverse, something that can help you considerably to gain the loyalty of increasingly demanding customers.

In this article I will show you the effects of music on the performance of athletes and you will discover which are the most suitable music genres for each moment of training.

Next we will focus on the most appropriate way for you, a gym owner, to get the music and we will also analyze the different music platforms that are the most suitable to manage it, the most recommended being Soundtrack Your Brand.

If you have a gym and you want to get the most out of your business, in this article you will find different tips that will surely help you achieve business success with your center.

What music is the most suitable for my gym?

hilo musical online gimnasioOne of the most important issues to take into account when choosing one type of music or another are the tastes of the clients of your gym.

Therefore, you should avoid being influenced by your own preferences when making a decision.

The ideal is to opt for the most popular musical genres, with already known songs.

musica para actividades dirigidas local de pesasYou must take into account that these can change depending on the type of client, since it is not the same that most of the athletes in your gym are young people of 20 years old or over 40 years old.

We must also take into account that the speed and rhythm of the music can determine the intensity at which the athlete performs the activity.

It is for this reason that both aspects must be in perfect harmony.

For the warm-up phases of the directed activities, use music that is not so lively that the athlete gives his all in the exercises and can injure himself, but not so quiet that he performs them effortlessly and incorrectly.

During the main activity you should opt for a higher tempo of music so that the athlete is more likely to follow that intensity and to give the maximum.

And for the final stretching phase, the music to choose should be calmer to help relax the organism and the different muscles activated and exercised in the two previous phases.

Music also has a social component.

The presence of background music in a gym creates a more relaxed atmosphere, which can favor the establishment of conversations with other athletes who are training at that precise moment, even if they do not know each other beforehand.

Many clients come to the gym alone and without knowing anyone. In this sense, music can help them, apart from improving their performance, to also feel more accompanied.

Where can I purchase music?

musica de fondo clases entrenamiento

Having demonstrated all these advantages of the use of the musical element in gyms, you are probably wondering where you can acquire that music.

The vast majority of songs that you listen to in your daily life are protected by copyright. For the use in commercial establishments of this type of music several platforms have appeared.

Let's see them below:

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SOUNDTRACK YOUR BRANDFamous and well-known songs24.99€/month per gym
CLOUD COVER MUSICFamous and well-known songsFrom 16.16€/month per gym

soundtrack your brand logo y nombre rojo

Soundtrack Your Brand was born in 2013 with the aim of offering the possibility of using background music in all types of companies and venues legally.

It has collaboration agreement with Spotify and, in fact, several of its employees come from this company.

One of the strengths of this platform is the large amount and variety of music available: 30 million tracks approximately.

However, it offers a multitude of facilities in its service:

  • Ability to import playlists from your Spotify account.
  • Automatic update of playlist songs so as not to saturate either customers or employees.
  • Scheduling of songs on specific dates and times.
  • Music management of several gyms, in case you own more than one, from the same device.
  • Control everything from your own smartphone or computer, without having to install anything separate or be connected to the Internet.

Soundtrack Your Brand has a fixed price of 24.29€/month.

As of today, we can enjoy a free trial period of 30 days.

We must warn you of something important:

Soundtrack Your Brand usually offers all the rights you need on the music tracks they have available. However, in some countries -Spain is on this list- it is necessary to acquire the license of public communication through your respectivo P.R.O. to be able to use Soundtrack Your Brand legally.

Cloud Cover Music

cloud-cover-music-licensing-logoCloud Cover Music is a platform very similar to the previous one, which also offers well-known royalty-free music from famous artists.

Although it only operates in the United States and Canada, Cloud Cover Music has different types of licenses.

Of all of them, the one we are interested in is the ‘Music Plan', which will allow you to have unlimited access and use of music broadcasted on more than 120 stations with different music styles.

In addition, Cloud Cover Music currently offers a 14-day free trial period so that you can try its service without any commitment.

Why play music in the background?


Most athletes who go to gyms for physical exercise do so, among other reasons, to disconnect for a few hours of their routines and problems.

In that sense, the fact of using music in your gym can help them to escape from a reality from which many do not intend to flee, but simply to rest.

According to research by Brunel University in London, it has been scientifically proven that music has a great influence on various aspects for an athlete to perform at the highest level in their workouts.

The effects of the musical component in training are focused on 5 factors, all of them closely related to that personal motivation so essential when talking about any kind of physical effort:

1. Dissociation

This effect consists of reducing the feeling of tiredness that any athlete usually feels at some point during training.

In this way, the person in question is able to focus more of his attention on the exercise itself than on other aspects that can negatively affect his performance, such as, for example, fatigue.

2. Regulation of stimulation levels

Music is also able to stimulate the body so that it can deliver a maximum-effort performance at times when more physical load is required.

Conversely, music can also help to relax the body when exercise is lighter.

3. Synchronization

canciones para aquagymWhen movements in any physical exercise are synchronized with the music, they usually require less effort than when they are performed without synchronization, since they occur less naturally and, therefore, require more wear and tear.

4. Acquisition of motor skills

It is also scientifically proven that people tend to have an easier time acquiring motor skills with the help of music, either because it is able to create a fun atmosphere or because of the influence of the meanings of the songs on the athletes.

5. Fluency

The last effect of music has to do with fluency, since the presence of music makes any task go much more smoothly than others in which there is no presence of this musical element.


musica centro de fitness natacionThe importance of music in gyms is more than evident.

This can be justified by its effects on increasing the number of hires for the services offered, by its influence on the physical performance of athletes in their workouts or simply by helping athletes to escape from their routines and their problems.

Whatever the reason, there is no doubt about the influence of music in the success of any type of physical business, both to get new customers at the time of decision-making and to retain them by offering them an ideal service.

Seeing the multitude of facilities and the affordable price of the platforms we have talked about –Soundtrack Your Brand and Cloud Cover Music – you have no more excuses to not start managing this fundamental element for the success of your business.

For more information, visit our article about ambient music for business.