No monthly payments. Pay once, get the music for life!
Music for the Internet

Music for Educational Videos

Published on | 12 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Music for Educational Videos

Educational video is one of the most valuable learning media of today.

Due to the ‘techie boom' we have been in for the last years and the technology we have available, it is quite easy to create educational videos and spread them on the Internet.

In fact, the Brandwatch portal assures that, in an average month, 8 out of 10 people between 18 and 49 years of age watch YouTube, in most cases in order to learn about some subjects.

In other words, almost half of the worldwide population consumes videos on a daily basis, the goal of which is usually instructive.

The use of videos and audio-visual materials has been shown to increase the creativity and attention of viewers.

descargar musica para videos educativos Being able to learn by listening, watching, reading and even interacting at the same time through a video can facilitate the way in which didactic material is absorbed.

This assertion is supported by numerous specialists, among them, the famous pedagogue Edgar Dale, known for his famous ‘Cone of Experience' in which he assures that learning is perceived by our senses.

Several studies conclude that, in general, we tend to learn:

  • 10% of what we read
  • 20% of what we hear
  • 75% of what we see and hear
  • 90% of what we do

According to these data, the effectiveness of a pedagogical video will depend on the scenario where the learning takes place.

However, there is one element that also has a direct influence on the attention that our potential audience will have: music.

Although it may seem the opposite, we tend to pay more attention to what we hear than to what we see.

Music is essential to generate an emotional connection with the audience.

This sound element will increase the attention and motivation of the viewer so that they can learn the content of the video more easily.

Therefore, before starting your educational video, I recommend that you choose the music that best matches what you want to transmit.

That audio track will set the pace for the video and keep the potential learner focused.

Later you will see what makes each of these services your best option.

But first I would like you to know why it is important to use these types of services.

I do not know if you did not know it or if you had taken it into account or not but, in any case, I feel the need to tell you: the majority of the music you listen to every day is copyrighted. musica sin copyright derechos de autor

Copyright, in music, is just the exclusive right of an author or publisher to exploit his or her artistic work for a certain period of time.

Today, the big record labels and the production companies are the ones who have the copyright of practically all known songs.

To use them in your videos, you will need to pay a huge sum of money to these corporations, which is not a good idea economically speaking.

However, many people decide to use famous music tracks in their videos without paying that amount of money and without asking permission from the producers.

That is so far the worst thing you can do:

  • Best case scenario, if you upload your video with commercial music to social platforms like YouTube, their algorithms will detect that you do not have the rights to that song and will only mute your video.
  • On the other hand, in the worst-case scenario, you may face harsh financial penalties from copyright owners, who may also ask you for legal liability.

But do not worry!

Luckily, there are much cheaper and safer options on the Internet that will help you avoid this kind of problem.

I have mentioned them previously, but now it is time to find out what they can do to make your educational video top-notch.

Before we start, I want to warn you: the three platforms below are not free.

If you are looking for free music, you can find many songs on the Internet under Creative Commons licenses.

Personally, I do not recommend them for several reasons:

  • When downloading a song, you must make sure what type of Creative Commons license it is, because not all of them can be used in the same way. In this article, you can learn more about the different licenses that exist.
  • When you use the music track, you should mention the author of the track in the video. Otherwise, you can be punished for copyright infringement.
  • The musical variety of websites that allow you to download ‘CC' music is very poor. That is to say, you will not be original.
  • You will not be able to use the music tracks for commercial use. In other words, you will not be able to monetize your videos.
  • If the copyright of the song changes in the future, you could be reported for inappropriate use, in which case you will have to pay a big fine.

Therefore, if you want to save time and headaches, I can only recommend these three platforms: Legis Music, Epidemic Sound and Artlist.

Legis Music

legis music logoAt Legis Music we have decided to launch three exclusive plans this 2023 so that our customers can access royalty free music easily and cheaply.

What these plans have in common is that you only have to pay once to get them, allowing you to enjoy the songs unlimited for life and have the peace of mind of not having to worry about copyright claims in the future.

This way, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs:

  1. Starter Plan. This licence is completely free and is recommended for those who are looking for music to use in personal projects. It also allows you to use the music in all social networks and on any website. The only condition is to credit in every publication.
  2. Personal Plan. If you are looking to get numerous songs to use in your personal projects, this is the license for you. The Personal Plan offers unlimited music downloads and can be used on social media and streaming platforms, YouTube, apps, video games and audiobooks, as well as podcasts, virtual classes and online advertisements. The price is $49 in a single payment and for life -if you use it for 3 years, it will be like paying 1€/month-.
  3. Business Plan. This plan is specially designed for freelancers, companies and those who work for clients. It is the most open licence of all, as any use case is covered and it also offers unlimited music (the only thing that is not allowed is to resell the songs). It is priced as a one-off payment of $99 for life – if you use it for 2 years, it will be like paying $4/month.

As you can see, if there is one thing that makes our licences stand out, it is the opportunity to enjoy them forever for a one-time fee.

Epidemic Sound

When we talk about Epidemic Sound we could possibly say that it is the best of all the services with royalty-free music. Epidemic-Sound-new-logo

This Swedish company is one of the oldest in the industry -if not the oldest-.

Since 2009 it has been providing copyright-free music to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

And that is normal: it has a music library of more than 30,000 songs and more than 60,000 sound effects that grows week by week.

It has two features that will be extremely useful to achieve the effect you are looking for your educational video.

  • The first of these is ‘Find Similar'. This option will make it much easier for you to find songs similar to the ones you liked. This way you will be able to follow a pattern in your videos.
  • The second quality is called ‘Stems' and consists of the option to delete different elements of a song, such as voice, bass or other instruments. This tool will allow you to deploy your creativity to be more original.

In addition to the above, Epidemic Sound has a perfect license for those looking to create audiovisual content.

It is called ‘Personal Subscription’ and offers you the following benefits:

  • You can download the songs anywhere, whether on your computer, your mobile or your tablet.
  • You will have new audio tracks and sound effects every week.
  • Possibility to share and monetize your videos on different social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Youtube.
  • There will be no claims of any kind. You will have peace of mind regarding copyright and royalties.
  • For the duration of your subscription, you can download and use all the music tracks you need.

Possibly, when you complete your educational video, you will upload it to a public or private platform.

If you choose to upload it to YouTube to give it greater visibility, you should know that they have 2 different pricing plans depending on your usage:


If you are still in doubt about whether Epidemic Sound is the platform you were looking for, you are lucky.

They are currently offering a trial period through which they allow you to enjoy the entire service for 30 days totally free.

Although it is a fairly new company compared to its competitors -it was founded in 2016-, does not fall behind in terms of musical quality.

This Israel-based company was created with the aim of providing royalty-free music licenses and has quickly become a reference platform for offering a complete, intuitive and simple service. Artlist musica instagram

Its music library currently exceeds 8,000 audio tracks, which you can listen to from beginning to end before subscribing.

You can also filter them according to mood, genre, instrument or video theme.

In fact, the latter option is great for educational videos.

Among the various themes, there is one called ‘Educational' from which you can draw hundreds of themes that will fit perfectly with your didactic objectives.

But this is not all. The Artlist universal license also has the following benefits:

  • Unlimited downloads during the subscription
  • You will be able to use the downloaded tracks for a lifetime
  • New tracks added to the library each month
  • Possibility of monetization on Youtube
  • Use in any project, whether or not of a commercial nature

This license has a price of $199 per year, an amount that is very close to its competitors if we divide it by month, -$16.60-.

However, Artlist goes for a single annual payment, so it is easier and you do not have to pay month by month.

In addition, if you purchase the license through the following button and subscribe to their newsletter, you will get two months completely free: You will pay 12 months, but you will enjoy Artlist for 14 months!

Why is educational video important as a learning resource?

An educational video is, in essence, any compilation of recorded audiovisual resources that fulfill a previously formulated didactic objective.

Therefore, if we take this definition as a reference, practically any video -or even film- that we consume throughout the day could be considered didactic. musica para videos formativos

We are constantly consuming content and trends suggest that audiovisual content will gain in importance over the rest.

The constant growth of platforms such as YouTube or Instagram makes it easier to quickly diffuse material in this format.

Thus, it is highly recommended to be part of these platforms if you want to expand the learning of your educational video to more and more people.

It is true that many users claim that when it comes to learning about a subject, the length of the videos compresses the information excessively.

On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that the capacity that people have to retain new ideas with short videos is usually greater.

This is due to the fact that we pay all our attention to the combination of stimuli -audio and video-, which has repercussions on the retention of content.

Let us see an example of that:

In addition to the above, the educational video offers other advantages such as the possibility of viewing them again and again or the longer permanence of the didactic contents, thus allowing their conservation.

They may also be complemented with other videos, corrected or improved by audiovisual editing.


Educational video is a fantastic alternative to traditional didactic media.

Significant learning can be achieved through them, as long as the goals of the video are well defined and oriented towards the right audience. musica para videos educacionales

If well developed and used as part of a formative strategy, educational video can have a positive impact on the user's learning, as it allows the user to analyze and evaluate information in a different way.

However, we have already seen that a video does not live by images alone.

It is true that the visual attracts our attention, but the element that makes the video achieve the goal set and has the user-focused 100% is music.

Imagine that you take away the motivational background music from the previous video and leave only the voice of the message you want to transmit.

Would you think it will have the same impact? We both know it would not.

Music is the key element to transmit the didactic message of an educational video in a smooth and effective way.

But you know you will not be able to use any song due to copyright.

Otherwise, you risk receiving severe financial – and even legal – penalties from record labels.

This is totally unnecessary when you have platforms like Legis Music, Epidemic Sound or Artlist.

For a small monthly fee -or annual, in the case of Artlist-, you will have access to thousands of songs and sound effects of the highest quality.

All of them will allow you:

  1. Filter your audio tracks by genre, mood or instrument
  2. Unlimited downloads during the subscription period
  3. Use your songs without restrictions or copyright penalties

However, each one has its own style and a way to meet your needs.

Now it is up to you which one to use to sound your educational video and make your audience learn in an enjoyable and effective way.

If you have been left wondering more, I recommend you visit our article on how to choose the right music for a video.

musica de fondo para videos formativos