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Music for Social Media

Background Music for LinkedIn Videos

Published on | 13 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Background Music for LinkedIn Videos

When it comes to promoting quality content in a place that brings together companies and professionals, there is no better place than LinkedIn.

This platform has established itself as one of the most effective social networks in everything related to the business world.

In fact, 91% of marketing executives say that LinkedIn is the best platform for finding top-quality content, ahead of other social media such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. And if we also take into account that 96% of Internet users admit to having watched videos to learn more about products, services, or brands, there is no doubt about it:

Video on LinkedIn is and will continue to be the best format to connect with your potential customers for years to come.

For this reason, LinkedIn itself, they have been developing and promoting important video features for some time, such as native video within the platform itself, integrated videos, videos on company pages, or video advertisements. musica viva linkedin

It is a fact admitted by them that video is the format with the greatest growth and engagement, far ahead of written content, both in impressions and in generated leads.

Therefore, whether you are an independent professional or a company, you should incorporate videos into your LinkedIn strategy.

However, you cannot create just any kind of video.

The content you share in your LinkedIn profile must show seriousness, knowledge, and professionalism.

And to do this, there is one element that must be added: music.

Background music is the perfect way to deliver your message in an effective and professional way.

Maybe you didn't take this factor into account, or maybe you think that music is an optional element.


Background music increases your engagement in LinkedIn

And to make it clearer, let me give you an example.

Take a look at the following video.

Have you noticed anything strange? Silence, right? linkedin musica

Apart from the fact that the video has good animation and visually explains the company's services, if it doesn't have dialogues and if it doesn't have background music, the video will be ineffective, or even harmful.

In fact, if it would have dialogues, there wouldn't be much difference between reading a newspaper ad or a comic book.

It's the background music that sets the stage for your message to really take hold of your viewers.

Of course, you must have something very clear:

You can't just use whatever music you like

Why? Well, I don't know if you've ever heard the term “copyright”.

However, I prefer to be cautious and let you know before you get into trouble.

Copyright is the exclusive right that the authors of music tracks and their record companies have.

Virtually any song you listen to in your daily life is protected by copyright law, and to use it without permission is to violate the law.

Do you know what this means?

Not only can your LinkedIn account be closed, affecting your personal and professional reputation, but you can also receive harsh legal and financial penalties. In fact, according to Entrepreneur writer Lindsay LaVine, in some real cases, damages ranging from $750 to $150,000 have been awarded.

In that case, don't just use any song you like.

musica copyright free para linkedinIf you want to use famous music, you should contact the PROs (Performance Rights Organizations), who manage the copyright of the vast majority of songs.

However, when you know the amounts they ask for to be able to legally use the song you want, you will not feel like it.

Luckily, there are other alternatives to get music that is legal, safe and economical for making your LinkedIn videos.

A few years ago, there wasn't much choice but to:

  • Pay the high fees requested by the PROs (the most expensive option)
  • Use music under Creative Commons license or music from independent artists for a mention of the author (the less professional option)
  • Use public domain background music (the least serious option).

The above options for adding background music to a video are still available today.

However, LinkedIn is a professional network and the results you seek with your videos are professional, right?

In that case, I'm sorry to say that none of the above options will get you those results.

The best solution to add the perfect music to your LinkedIn videos is stock music.

This is pre-recorded music that you can purchase on online platforms and that has only one purpose: to satisfy your sound needs, whatever they may be.

Fortunately, at Legis Music, we have tested the vast majority of those found on the Internet.

From all of them, we have been able to select for you the 2 best ones.

Epidemic Sound

Among all the platforms available on the Internet to get the best stock music, there is one that stands out above the rest: Epidemic Sound. epidemic sound licenses

This is one of the alternatives with the longest background in the industry, since 2009, something that has allowed them to become one of the best.

It has an extensive music library with over 32,000 music tracks and 64,000 sound effects, all of which are of the highest musical quality.

Among its most outstanding features is ‘Stems', which you can remove any sound element or instrument of a song, or ‘Find Similar', which allows you to find songs similar to those you have liked.

In addition, Epidemic Sound has three different types of plans depending on the needs you want to cover:

  • The Personal Plan ($15 / month or $144 / year) is designed for content creators or podcasters who create pieces for their own use.
  • The Commercial Plan ($49 / month or $299 / year) focuses on freelancers and companies that create productions for commercial purposes.
  • The ‘Enterprise' Plan (you would need to request a quote) is designed for entities that are looking for a business solution, i.e. media companies, publishers or broadcasters.

Each of them offers you different advantages.

For example, with the Personal plan you will be able to:

  • Make unlimited downloads while the subscription is active.
  • Enjoy new music tracks and sound effects every week.
  • Download music anywhere and from any device (PC, Smartphone, Tablet, etc.).
  • Get peace of mind from copyright claims (100% copyright-free music).
  • Monetize your videos on the majority of social platforms.

In addition to the above advantages, with the Commercial plan you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Unlimited use in digital ads.
  • Coverage on any online platform.
  • One single authorization for all your productions.

And, in turn, the Business plan includes:

  • Multiple user accounts
  • Authorization for television and cinema
  • Supporting the healing of music
  • Customized musical productions
  • A dedicated client success manager
  • Customized terms of the agreement

As you can see, Epidemic Sound is that musical tool that any creative professional would like to have.

If you also want to count on it to create your videos on LinkedIn, you are lucky.

Because they are giving away a 30-day trial for new customers.


artlist-logo-musica-fondo-video-inmobiliarioAnd completing the podium of the best platforms with stock music is Artlist.

It is surprising how it has positioned itself among the best websites in the sector with far fewer years of experience than its competitors.

But once you're on the platform, you stop being surprised.

If we can define it with one word, it would be “Simplicity”.

Artlist has a tremendously intuitive and revolutionary design, where finding the perfect song for your video becomes child's play.

Always visible menus, the possibility of pre-listening, direct and straightforward filters, unlimited downloads, and a huge amount of music tracks from independent musicians are the strengths that will make you choose this great tool.

In addition, that simplicity that I was talking about is also reflected in its subscription plan system, which has a single Universal License that serves, literally, for everything.

For just $199 per year (less than $17 per month) paid in one yearly payment, you will be covered for any aspect for which you want to use the music you download on the platform, including your productions for LinkedIn.

But you can get it even cheaper.

Because if you are a new customer and you subscribe to their newsletter before purchasing their Universal License, you will get two additional months completely free.

musica de fondo para videos en linkedin

Why is music in LinkedIn videos so important?

You already know that LinkedIn, beyond being a social network, is a platform of connection between professionals and companies where the content of interest on many topics is disseminated.

In the same way that you now know the format preferred by the crowd: the video.

In fact, this is clear if we base it on the results of a survey conducted by Forbes in 2013. It shows that the vast majority preferred video as a promotional tool for business.

However, you saw at the beginning of this article, a video without music is an incomplete video (and detrimental to the professional image).

In fact, if we consider that specialists in audiovisual production consider music as 80% of a video, it not only sustains the importance of music in the video, but even gives it an even greater value.

Do you know why?

Because music is a powerful tool to evoke emotions and feelings.

3 reasons why you should add good music to your corporate videos

Here are three good reasons why you can't miss a good music track in a LinkedIn video.

Actually, I could give you more than three reasons, but I prefer to keep the list short in order not to overwhelm you with so much information.

Capture the attention of your viewers

musica instrumental para linkedinWe tend to think that the first thing we pay attention to when we watch a video is the image.

However, try playing a video with the sound turned off.

You will soon notice this and look to turn up the volume.

In the same way and subconsciously, viewers for whom your video is intended on LinkedIn will start paying attention to your video when the music starts.

So, make sure you choose music that is appealing to them to get their attention as soon as possible.

Establish the perfect emotional connection

musica de archivo linkedinSales and emotions are two elements that are closely linked.

And when we talk about music, we are talking about the ideal medium to bring the emotional state that leads to a sale.

With a good music track consciously chosen you can make the potential customer feel happy, positive, motivated or in the way you really want.

A feeling that, in turn, will relate to the message of the video, the person who created it or shared it, as well as the products or services being promoted.

Choose a good song, press the ‘key' of the emotion you want to evoke in your client and make your message do the rest.

Create more viral content

If you are an active person on social networks, you will know firsthand that there are videos with hundreds of thousands of plays in a few days. stock music linkedin

In other words, they have become viral, either because of the message they convey or because of the spectacular images…or because of the music.

Think about it for a moment and try to remember the music of a famous TV commercial.

I bet you could tell me the brand of the product or service, right?

In that case, you will be able to see more clearly the power that a small fragment of a melody can have on the viewers.

A great music background will give your viewers more reasons to share your video.

If you choose the right music track for your video and it is in tune with your message, not only will you make it viral on LinkedIn, but your video will be shared beyond this social network.

Tips for choosing the best background music for your videos on LinkedIn

You know why you should add background music to your professional videos.

But it doesn't hurt to know the best practices for using it effectively.

So, here are some tips for getting results with your video's background music.

Study the target audience

musica empresarial para linkedinJust like the message you convey, or the videos you use, the music must also be selected according to the audience it is intended for.

If your video on LinkedIn is aimed at a corporate or business sector, you wouldn't set a rock & roll theme as the background music, would you?

Perhaps it would be better to use a type of music in accordance with that sector, such as:

Remember that the background music should be attractive and in total harmony with you, your brand, your products or services, but above all, with your potential customers.

Choose music that evokes well-being

musica de stock para linkedinI'm sure that more than once you have heard songs that, subconsciously, have made you feel happy.

Do you know that you can achieve the same effect on your viewers with your LinkedIn video?

If you follow the advice above, you will find dozens or even hundreds of songs that fit perfectly with your audience and your message.

Among all of them, you will have to choose one or several of those that transmit comfort, tranquility, motivation… in short, any pleasant feeling of well-being.

In this way, your viewers will be more likely to continue watching your video after the first few seconds, and they will also associate your brand with that pleasant feeling conveyed by the music in the background.

Do not use vocal songs

Let's be honest: when someone creates a corporate-type video, their main goal is to get their message across to the viewer so that they can then take the action desired by the company. videos para linkedin

To achieve this, distractions should be kept to a minimum during the video.

Otherwise, the viewer will lose focus on the message and focus on the element that has captured his or her attention.

For this reason, the background music must always be instrumental, never vocal.

If you put this advice into practice, you will not only avoid the aforementioned distractions, but you will help your viewers understand the message and take the action you want.


If you've come this far, I don't think you have any doubt about it:

Whether you are a professional or a company, incorporating videos into your LinkedIn strategy is a must to have a good network of contacts.

In fact, the platform has been taking steps in that direction to give greater priority and visibility to video content.

Proof of this is the new features added such as native video, integrated videos, or audiovisual advertisements.

Indeed, LinkedIn has announced that the video is:

  • Your fastest-growing advertising format
  • The type of content that generates the most engagement

In short: if you plan to offer products or services on LinkedIn, the first content you should think about to generate new customers is video.

However, don't make the mistake of using video without background sound.

If you do, you will be giving an image totally opposite to what you want to transmit to your audience.

To do this, you know the type of music you should use –stock music– and how you should use it for:

  • Capture the attention of your viewers
  • Establish the best emotional connection with them
  • Viralize your content to attract more customers

And this perfect music to achieve each of the above points is on 3 different platforms: Epidemic Sound and Artlist.

Epidemic SoundSubscriptionFrom $15 / month
ArtlistSubscription$199 / year

All of them have a great music library, features that make them unique, and licenses that will avoid copyright problems.

But what is 100% sure is that in them you will find the ideal music track for that video you want to promote.

Choose the one that best meets your needs and shape that project to boost your professional relationships on LinkedIn