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Music for Social Media

Music for Facebook

Published on | 17 min reading time | By Pablo Olondriz
Music for Facebook

Year after year, Facebook is one of the most visited websites worldwide.

But if we consider only social media platforms, there is no doubt: it is the undisputed king.

According to the Hootsuite portal, Facebook had around 2.91 billion active users in one month in January 2022.

In fact, most of its users access, on average, up to 8 times a day, according to LYFE Marketing. musica para compartir en facebook ads

As you can see, no social platform reaches the traffic and engagement that Facebook achieves.

Only YouTube and Whatsapp (the latter also owned by Facebook) are close to 2 billion monthly users.

And if we focus on the marketing aspect, Facebook Ads is also the tool chosen by the masses for online ads, especially if they are in video format.

A study by eMarketer shows that Facebook alone controls almost 25% of all video ads on the Internet, a percentage that rises to 87% if we add Instagram, also owned by Mark Zuckerberg's company.

Therefore, whether you are a freelancer who wants to monetize your videos or an agency looking to increase the profitability of your online ads, you should be on Facebook.

Of course, you must keep in mind that,

The best online video ad needs the best background music.

Legis MusicOne-time paymentFrom $49 / lifetime
Epidemic SoundSubscriptionFrom $9 / month
ArtlistSubscriptionFrom $16 / month

Why do I need music for Facebook Ads?

It's not because we say so, it's because science says so.

When people buy something, most of the time they do it emotionally.

Therefore, if you want your viewers to buy your product or service, you must appeal to their emotions.

And for that, there is nothing better than music.

musica libre de copyright para facebookIn fact, studies show that when we listen to music, we use the same parts of the brain responsible for emotions and memory.

This means that if the emotional response to a song is strong, the associated memory will also be strong.

I'm sure it has happened to you hundreds of times: listen to a song and immediately remember a certain place, a specific experience or a TV commercial.

This is the main reason why you should use music in Facebook Ads:

To turn your product or service into the emotion your potential customers want to buy.

Now, Facebook has some restrictions regarding music in videos.

And it is your duty to know them to avoid unpleasant surprises. musica-para-facebook

Be careful! Read the Facebook music policies

Facebook is aware of the large number of videos that are uploaded to the platform every day.

Likewise, they know that many of them contain copyrighted music.

This is an illegal action unless you have the licenses to do it legally. Therefore, when the platform's algorithm recognizes copyrighted music in a video, they can, without warning you:

  • Mute your video.
  • Delete your uploaded content automatically.
  • Disable your account if this is repeated several times.

In many cases, this happens even if you have the licenses to add copyrighted music legally.

To prove it, you will have to contact the platform and go through cumbersome verification processes until they add your content back.

As a freelancer or agency, this is something you cannot afford.

For this reason, it is advisable to know the music policies on Facebook and avoid this kind of problems.

From the platform, they have agreements to protect artists, and as part of those agreements, they establish a series of limitations when using music on Facebook.

The details of these agreements are confidential, but the social network shares the following general recommendations that will be useful when planning your videos:

  • There is no limitation on the content of traditional music stories or performances (e.g., a live recording of an artist or band's performance).
  • The greater the number of full tracks recorded in a video, the more likely limitations will apply.
  • Short music clips are recommended.
  • Your video should always have a visual component; it is not recommended that its primary purpose is simply to provide an audio recording.

These recommendations apply to live broadcasts, as well as recorded videos, and on both Facebook pages and profiles.

Music for Facebook videos. What are my options?

Now that you know the guidelines for the correct use of music on Facebook, the next step is to know which are the options for acquiring the music tracks that you will add to your videos.

These are the following:

  • Royalty-free music, ideal for commercial content.
  • Free royalty-free music, a good option for personal projects.

As we understand that you are looking for music for Facebook Ads, and the ads have a commercial purpose, we will start by introducing you to the best platforms to download music without copyright.

We know how frustrating it can be to have your stream interrupted or parts of your video muted due to the inclusion of music. que musica se puede poner en facebook

Likewise, we know the type of music you need to minimize these interruptions and avoid any confusion related to the use of music.

Later we will show you the free options you have to add music to your Facebook videos.

Although we can tell you in advance that, if you are looking to monetize your videos or get an economic result from them, free music will not be your best option.

On the other hand, royalty-free music will bring you what you are looking for, in terms of quality and legality.

In fact, by using this type of music you ensure two main things:

  • That the music or sound effects are of high quality.
  • That you will never again have any problems regarding the copyright of the songs.

However, where to download copyright-free music for Facebook videos?

The truth is that there are plenty of platforms on the Internet that provide good music for Facebook Ads.

But if you are looking for the best results, you will need the best tools.

At Legis Music, we have tested almost all online royalty-free music platforms.

That's why we have compiled for you the 3 best services from across the Internet.

Legis Music

legis music logoAt Legis Music we have decided to launch three exclusive plans this 2023 so that our customers can access royalty-free music easily and cheaply.

What these plans have in common is that you only have to pay once to get them, which allows you to enjoy unlimited songs for life and have the peace of mind of not having to worry about copyright claims in the future.

Thus, you can choose between three different plans: Starter Plan, Personal Plan, Business Plan.

In this case, the most convenient plan is the Personal Plan, as it offers unlimited music downloads and can be used in many cases, including online advertisements.

Its price is $49 in a single payment and for life -if you use it for 3 years, it will be like paying 1€/month-.

Do not hesitate to consult our “licenses” section if you want to know more information.

Epidemic Sound

Epidemic Sound is a Swedish company that has been providing the best royalty-free music on the market since 2009.

epidemic sound licensesIts extensive experience as an industry benchmark has allowed them to create one of the largest copyright-free music libraries on the Internet.

They have more than 100,000 music tracks and sound effects, which can be filtered according to various parameters.

It also has 3 tools that will make it much easier for you to find music for Facebook Ads.

One of them is ‘Stems', with which you can remove any sound element or instrument from a song.

For example, imagine you find a song with a catchy beat that you love for your Facebook ad, but that song is vocal, something that would distract your user from your message.

With ‘Stems' you could remove the vocals with a couple of clicks, leaving the music track as an instrumental and making it the perfect background sound for your video.

musica para facebook sin copyrightThe other feature we like most about Epidemic Sound is ‘Find Similar'.

Let's say you need to create a branded soundtrack, with similar music tracks that you will use in your Facebook videos.

As soon as you find a soundtrack you like, ‘Find Similar' will do the rest of the work.

With a single click, you will have at your disposal a whole collection of tracks similar to the one you liked.

Finally, Epidemic Sound has recently added a new tool, called EAR -Epidemic Audio Referece-.

With this, you will be able to find songs that are very similar to each other from their extensive music catalog.

Unlike ‘Stems', with EAR you can choose a specific fragment of the song you like to find others that have the same rhythm, tone, and vibes…

Epidemic Sound Plans and Pricing

Epidemic Sound has three different plans depending on whether you are a content creator, a freelancer or an agency, or a large enterprise.

  • Personal Plan (108 € / year or 13 € / month). Focused on content creators who want to create non-commercial videos.
  • Commercial Plan (228 € / year or 49 € / month). Designed for freelancers and companies whose goal is to create commercial videos and ads.
  • Enterprise Plan (Quote requested). This is the platform's customized enterprise solution.

The most suitable for using music in Facebook Ads is the Commercial Plan, and by subscribing to this plan you will have the following advantages:

  • Make unlimited downloads as long as the subscription is active.
  • Enjoy new music tracks and sound effects every week.
  • Download music anywhere and from any device (PC, Smartphone, Tablet, etc.).
  • Get peace of mind against copyright claims (100% copyright-free music).
  • Monetize your videos on the vast majority of social platforms.
  • Unlimited use in digital ads.
  • Coverage on any online platform.
  • A single authorization is valid for all your productions.

If you think it is the platform you were looking for, now you can try it for free.

They are giving new customers one trial month free of charge.

So you can discover each of these advantages from the inside, without having to pay anything.

Click on the following button and take advantage of this promotion.


Artlist artlist-licensesis a company based in Israel that has broken all expectations within the royalty-free music sector.

And the fact is that, since its creation in 2016, it has grown exponentially, managing to place itself on the podium of copyright-free music.

Not only does it offer its users a large music library, but it also proposes a totally revolutionary user experience.

Navigating the Artlist website is extremely simple and intuitive, always keeping the menus, search engine and filters visible to quickly find the perfect songs for your videos.

Artlist Plans and Pricing

Following the line marked by other platforms, Artlist chooses to combine its services in a single license called Universal License.

bajar musica para facebookThis license is also part of its innovative proposal, as it will give you legal coverage for practically any use case you give to the music.

Artlist offers you three types of plans:

  • Personal Plan: 9.99€ billed annually€ (119€) or 14.99€ billed monthly at the discretion of social creators.
  • Unlimited Plan: 16.60€, billed annually.
  • Enterprise Plan: customized license for organizations.

Of course, you will enjoy a lot of advantages, among which are:

  • Unlimited downloads for the duration of the subscription.
  • Lifetime use of all downloaded music.
  • The music library is renewed daily, with new songs and sound effects.
  • Ability to monetize your Facebook videos, as well as on other social platforms such as YouTube,
  • Instagram or Twitch.
  • Unlimited use in any project, whether personal or commercial.
  • Maximum simplicity of use: a single license, a single payment, full coverage.
  • Possibility of cancellation at any time of the subscription.

If after taking a look inside you feel that this is the kind of service you needed, we have good news.

Because you can get 2 months totally free by subscribing through this link, or by clicking on the button below.

This way you will enjoy 14 months instead of 12, which is the duration of the subscription.

If you have not yet decided on any of the above platforms, you may want to know the free options for adding music to Facebook videos.

Below we will show you the two best options, which are:

  • Free music under Creative Commons licenses
  • Facebook Sound Collection (Facebook's music library)

Music under Creative Commons licenses

‘Creative Commons' licensed music is a type of music protected by free licenses.

This means that the author of the music track himself freely sets the limitations for the reproduction, distribution, dissemination and copying of his work.

In most cases, the reproduction and copying of Creative Commons music is not forbidden as long as there is no profit purpose. musica-creative-commons

What must be done in any case is to mention the artist who created the piece of music.

Within the Creative Commons licenses, there are 4 conditions that determine how you can use your music.

From the combination of them, you get up to 6 different types of Creative Commons licenses, something you will need to know when mentioning the author in your video.

If you want to know more about them, we recommend you to take a look at our articles about what is music copyright-free / royalty-free and what is background music under public domain.

Disadvantages of using Creative Commons music on Facebook

The main advantage of using music in your Facebook videos under this type of license is that it is free.

However, there are several disadvantages that you should take into account when deciding what kind of music to use in your videos:

  1. In the vast majority of cases, you will not be able to use music under Creative Commons licenses in advertisements and commercial projects. Therefore, it is more common to use this type of music in personal projects.
  2. In the few cases where you can use the music for commercial purposes, you must still mention the artist who created the piece of music, a practice that can have unprofessional overtones.
  3. You will have no security or peace of mind regarding copyrights. In other words, if in the future the music track becomes copyrighted and Facebook opens a dispute against your content, you will not have a legal document stating that you can use that music track.

To avoid this type of problem, it is best to use licenses such as those of the platforms mentioned above.

However, if you still prefer to opt for free music, we recommend you take a look at the following websites:

In all of them, you will find music libraries with sound effects and songs of different musical genres.

However, it is essential that you read the terms of these free licenses within each of these pages, to be 100% sure that it is possible to use them in your personal Facebook videos without any problem.

Facebook Sound Collection: Facebook's music library

biblioteca musica facebookFacebook itself also has its own sound collection, thanks to which you can add music and sound effects to your videos without fear of copyright infringement.

The Facebook sound collection is free.

However, you should not expect a huge library or excellent music quality as you have at your disposal on other platforms.

You must also be aware that the music license granted is subject to Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

This dictates that the content offered can only be used in videos that are created, uploaded and distributed only on Facebook and Instagram platforms.

Therefore, if you were planning to share your commercial videos on other social platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitter, you will not be able to use the music from this library.


Promoting your products or services through videos is a fantastic idea, and doing it online is an even better idea.

However, to get the best results and convert users into customers, those videos must be promoted not only on your website but also on social networks.

And there is no better social network nowadays than Facebook.

In this platform, it will be easier for you to find your potential customers, show them your particular solution and generate recurring sales. descargar musica sin derechos de autor para facebook

But you already know that a video with a background voice will not be enough to generate the desired results.

It is necessary to accompany the message with the best background music.

The one that establishes a favorable mood in users, that activates their emotions and makes them desire your products or services.

This is something that top-level companies know how to do very well.

For a better understanding, take a look at the iPhone presentation videos that Apple has made over the last few years.

Do you notice the subtle way the music accompanies the message?

Imagine being able to achieve the same effect with your Facebook videos?

The good news is that you can if you know where to get the perfect music.

And now you know the three best platforms on the market to find it.

Epidemic Sound and Artlist have the perfect music for your commercial videos. With thousands of songs and sound effects that you can filter and search through at your convenience, these are the three most complete music libraries you can access. All of them will provide you with:

  • The right music for your videos.
  • The licenses you need to comply with the law.
  • The peace of mind you are looking for when it comes to copyright.

In addition, with the services provided by these platforms, you will not only be complying with Facebook's music policies, but you will also be saving a great amount of time when searching for music tracks on the Internet.

However, you have already seen that each of them has particular features that differentiate them from each other, as well as their private music collection that you won't find anywhere else.

Choose the one that best meets your needs and start creating Facebook videos that convert users into customers and sales.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have any unanswered questions?

It is quite possible that our users have already asked us the same question you are asking yourself right now.

So here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about music for Facebook.

  • Which is better: creating Facebook videos with free music or creating Facebook videos with copyright-free music?

It depends on the purpose of the video.

If the video is created by a company or to be published as an ad with Facebook Ads there is no discussion: it is essential then download your music from platforms such as Epidemic Sound or Artlist.

If instead, the video is going to be published on a personal account, we can be a little more condescending and use free music, but always as long as it is royalty-free.

Never use a famous song or a song of an artist who has not expressly published that his/her music is not copyrighted and can be used without any problem.

As we have said, the essential difference when choosing royalty-free music to put as music in your videos that you will post on Facebook or Instagram is basically the peace of mind that comes from purchasing a subscription.

  • What is Facebook Rights Manager?

Rights Manager is a music matching algorithm that allows Facebook to monitor at all times the videos uploaded to the platform that contain music.

This technology is used by artists and record labels to protect against copyright infringement.

There is no way to bypass this limitation.

  • Is Facebook‘s Rights Manager similar to YouTube’s Content ID?

You could say that both are practically the same thing.

However, if you want to learn more about the YouTube Content ID, click on the link to our explanatory guide.

In it, you will find out what this algorithm is, how to eliminate possible disputes from YouTube and what are the best music solutions to avoid having your videos removed from the platform.

  • Apart from Epidemic Sound and Artlist, are there other platforms where to download music for Facebook Ads?

Yes, there are many more platforms on the Internet with copyright-free music for Facebook.

These three we have chosen are the ones we consider the best in the industry based on our own experience.

However, if you want to know more platforms, we recommend you to take a look at our article about royalty-free music subscriptions services where you will find the 8 best portals to purchase music licenses for Facebook.